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2008/03/08 02:30:03瀏覽1242|回應1|推薦15

賴斯與英外相反對入聯公投 外交部表遺憾 【中央社╱台北二十六日電】 2008.02.26 10:30 pm  (0113_144, 0223_227)





















國聯李頓(Earl of Lytton)調查團
外國觀察者的結論入聯是錯誤,是謊言. 不應該舉辦 滿洲國是謊言,是錯誤. 不應該成立


Japan leaves the League of Nations JAPAN STUNS WORLD, WITHDRAWS FROM LEAGUE

By Stewart Brown, United Press Staff Correspondent

GENEVA, Feb. 24, 1933 -- The Japanese delegation, defying world opinion, withdrew from the League of Nations Assembly today after the assembly had adopted a report blaming Japan for events in Manchuria.

The stunned international conclave, representing almost every nation on earth, sat in silence while the delegation, led by the dapper Yosuke Matsuoka(松崗 洋右), clad in black, walked from the hall. The crowded galleries broke into mingled hisses and applause.

Japan's formal resignation from the league is expected to be filed later.

"We are not coming back," Matsuoka said simply as he left the hall.

The assembly's report, recommending that Japan withdraw her troops occupying Manchuria and restore the country to Chinese sovereignty, was adopted, 42 to 1, Japan voting against it. Paul Hymans, presiding, announced it was unanimous, since the vote of interested parties does not count.

The session which made history, signifying the final break between the league and one of the world's major powers, was fairly brief and simple.

As the roll was called down the alphabetical list of nations, delegate after delegate voted for the resolution.

When China was called, there was a slight stir of expectancy and W. W. Yen, Chinese delegate, firmly answered:


Japan was called a few moments later. Matsuoka's decisive "no" could be clearly heard in all parts of the hall.

Matsuoka later announced the delegation's withdrawal from the league, the first step in breaking relations with Geneva. Two years is required to make withdrawal final. Japan will be held responsible for fulfillment of her international obligations during that time.

The Japanese delegation stalked from the hall while a translator interpreted Matsuoka's speech.

Matsuoka, usually typifying the placid oriental diplomat, was nervous before he began his speech, and abandoned the text before he finished. He shouted from the rostrum:

"Japan will oppose any attempt at international control of Manchuria. It does not mean that we defy you, because Manchuria belongs to us by right.

"Read your history. We recovered Manchuria from Russia. We made it what it is today."

He referred to Russia, as well as China, as a cause for "deep and anxious concern" for Japan.

"We look into the gloom of the future and can see no certain gleam of light before us," Matsuoka declared.

He reiterated that Manchuria was a matter of life and death for Japan, and than no concession or compromise was possible, saying: "Japan has been and will always be the mainstay of peace, order and progress in the Far East."

In objecting to proposed international control of Manchuria, he asked, "Would the American people agree to such control of the Panama Canal Zone; would the British permit it over Egypt?

"The Japanese people will oppose any such attempt in Manchuria. I beg of this body to realize the facts and see a vision of the future. I earnestly beg of you to deal with us on our terms, to give us your confidence.

"To deny us this appeal will be a mistake. I ask you not to adopt this report," Matsuoka said earnestly.

After the assembly voter had been taken, Matsuoka announced "the Japanese government is obliged to feel that they have now reached the limit of their endeavors to co-operate with the league regarding Sino-Japanese differences.

"It is a source of profound regret and disappointment to the Japanese government that the draft report has now been adopted by this assembly. Japan has been a member of the league since its inception. Our delegates in past conferences participated in the drafting of the league covenant.

"We have been proud to be members, associated with the leading nations of the world in one of the grandest purposes in which humanity could unite. It has always been our sincere wish and pleasure to co-operate with fellow members of the league, attaining the great aims held in common and long cherished by humanity.

"I deeply deplore the situation we are now confronting, for I doubt if the same aims-the desire to see lasting peace established-is animating us all in our deliberations and actions," Matsuoka continued.

"It is a matter of common knowledge that Japan's policy is fundamentally inspired by the genuine desire to guarantee peace in the Far East and to contribute to the maintenance of peace throughout the world.

"Japan, however, finds it impossible to accept the report adopted by the assembly, and she has taken pains to point out that the recommendations in the report cannot be considered such as would secure peace in that part of the world.

"The Japanese government now find themselves compelled to conclude that Japan and other members of the league entertain different views on the manner to achieve peace in the Far East, and the Japanese government feel they have now reached the limit of their endeavors to co-operate with the league with regard to Sino-Japanese differences.

"The Japanese government will, however, make their utmost efforts for the establishment of peace in the Far East and the maintenance and strengthening of cordial relations with other powers.

"I need hardly add that the Japanese government will persist in their desire to contribute to human welfare, and will continue their policy of co-operating in all sincerity in the work dedicated to world peace," Matsuoka concluded.

Matsuoka looked very grim and determined when he left the assembly hall after his speech.

"That means the withdrawal of our delegation from the league," he told the United Press. "We can no longer co-operate on this question."

Matsuoka, his chief assistants, and the Japanese attaches immediately left the league building.

Letters were addressed by the league secretariat to the United States and Soviet governments, asking them to decide "as soon as possible" whether they would participate in an international consultative committee immediately after the league assembly adopted the Manchurian report today.

The committee will comprise the league's Committee of 19, and Holland and Canada, and will be asked to consider the situation created by Japan's rejection of the Manchurian report and continued military operations in Manchuria.
( 時事評論公共議題 )
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2009/05/16 20:55

2009-05-15 中國時報【傅建中】


近代學者研究「五四」運動,當以周策縱先生的 《五四運動》為經典之作。但前些年(二○○一)加拿大學者麥克米倫女教授 (Margaret MacMillan,巴黎和會英國首相勞合.喬治的外曾孫女)所寫的《一九一九年的巴黎》,亦頗值一讀。此書綜論一次大戰後的巴黎及凡爾賽條約,有一章專談山東問題和中國代表團在會中的表現。一些歷史人物像陸徵祥、顧維鈞、王正廷變得栩栩如生,尤其是年少英俊(三十一歲)、雄辯滔滔的顧少川先生。

當時的中國代表團成員約六十人,另有外籍顧問五人,均下榻於 Hotel Lutetia(綠苔霞旅館)。據《一九一九年的巴黎》一書說,這個代表團是老、中、青及南、北的結合,所謂北指在北京的北洋政府,而南則是在廣州的國民黨軍政府,由王正廷代表。

九十年代中期我首訪巴黎時,恰好住在Hotel Lutetia的對面,這家旅館自巴黎和會已有近八十年的歷史,仍極輝煌,是五星級的豪華旅館,尤其入夜以後,是巴比倫 (Babylone) 那個區裡一顆閃亮的星。以上世紀初中國的貧困和民不聊生,出席和會的代表們能住在一座這樣氣派的旅館裡,總算仍有大國的派頭。而顧維鈞在和會上的表現,更 為列強刮目相看。有老虎之稱的法國總理克里蒙梭,說顧是一隻「年輕的貓」(a young cat),出自克氏之口,也算對顧氏的高度讚美了。

巴黎和會中國代表金問泗的哲嗣金咸彬(現居華府),每逢談起他父親出席和會的往事,就眉飛色舞的說:「我還記得我父親住在Hotel Lutetia的房間號碼呢。」


中國代表團的內部矛盾如此,外面又有強敵日本環伺,列強如英、法、意等國復支持日本取得戰前德國在山東的勢力範圍,只有美國同情中國。而中國由於威爾遜總統提出的十四點計畫,更是對美國充滿了不切實際的幻想。中國的內外情勢如此險惡,難怪作者麥克米倫以「瞄準中國心臟的一把匕首」(A Dagger Pointed at China's Heart),來形容中國想要收回山東主權和失地所處的不利局面了。


儘管顧維鈞在巴黎和會中的慷慨陳詞,特別當他提到山東是孔、孟的誕生地、中國文明的搖籃,美、英、法的領袖們不僅動容,還為他喝彩。相形之下,日本代表牧野伸顯(Makino Nobuaki)的演說則語言乏味,但是 Actions speak louder than words,西方強權仍支持日本攫取山東,使中國對列強徹底幻滅。消息傳到北京,天安門的五四示威抗議大遊行,喚起了中國知識分子救亡圖存的強烈民族主義,共產主義也應運而生,二年後中國共產黨正式誕生,從此中國也就永無寧日。

自五四以來,神州大地的腥風血雨,讓我愛巴黎遠勝過愛北京,雖說協合廣場(Place De La Concorde)上曾經血跡斑斑,千萬人被送上斷頭台,包括國王路易十六和皇后瑪麗.安東妮在內,不過那究竟是二百多年前的事了,比起二十年前六四之夜天安門廣場的屠殺,不那麼叫人刻骨銘心、記憶猶新。
