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2009/07/10 13:20:50瀏覽3280|回應8|推薦6 | |
R.I.P. 慈幼會會士 金充威神父 Father Matthew King, S.D.B. (1932.9.8 ~ 2009.7.9) 2008年11月11日獲教宗本篤十六世躬親頒贈 聖職人員最高殊榮--「為教會、為教宗」金十字勳章 "Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice" Medal highest ecclesial honor bestowed on a clergyman promulgated by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI 願天使領你進入天國, 殉道諸聖前來迎接; 護送你到天父的仁慈懷抱, 永享安樂! In paradisum deducant te Angeli; in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres, et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Ierusalem. Chorus angelorum te suscipiat, et cum Lazaro quondam paupere aternam habeas requiem. May the angels lead you into paradise; may the martyrs come to welcome you and take you to the holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem. May choirs of angels welcome you and lead you to the bosom of Abraham; and where Lazarus is poor no longer may you find eternal rest. Update: 金充威神父的守靈彌撒將於下週五(7月17日)晚七時卅分在臺北市民生東路三段聖鮑思高天主堂舉行,由洪山川總主教主祭;殯葬彌撒將於週六(7月18日)下午二時卅分在臺北鮑思高堂舉行,由陳日君樞機主祭,聖座萬民福音傳播部部長迪亞斯樞機(前印度孟買總主教)的特使參與共祭;第一台安魂彌撒將於週六(7月18日)下午六時在香港薄扶林道聖安多尼天主堂舉行,由慈幼會中華會省副會長馮定華神父主祭。上海的公開追思彌撒將於週六7月25日上午十時在徐家匯聖依納爵總堂舉行。 Vigil Mass for Father Matthew King, SDB, will be celebrated at St. John Bosco Catholic Church in Taipei at 7:30 pm next Friday, July 17. Archbishop John Hung, SVD, will be the principal celebrant. Funeral Mass will be followed at 2:30 pm on Saturday, July 18. Cardinal Joseph Zen, SDB, will be the principal celebrant. Cardinal Ivan Dias, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Peoples (former Archbishop of Bombay, India), will be represented by his special envoy. First Requiem Mass will be celebrated at St. Anthony Catholic Church in Hong Kong at 6 pm on Saturday, July 18. Father Andrew Fung, SDB, Vice Provincial of the Salesians of Don Bosco China Province of Mary Help of Christians, will be the principal celebrant. A public Memorial Mass will be celebrated at St. Ignatius Cathedral in Xujiahui, Shanghai at 10 am on Saturday, July 25. 梵蒂岡官方新聞報導: http://www.fides.org/aree/news/newsdet.php?idnews=4326&lan=chi (聖座萬民福音傳播部信仰通訊社) http://www.fides.org/aree/news/newsdet.php?idnews=4320&lan=chi (聖座萬民福音傳播部信仰通訊社) http://www.radiovaticana.org/ci1/Articolo.asp?c=301517 (梵蒂岡電臺) http://www.fides.org/aree/news/newsdet.php?idnews=24645&lan=eng (Fides Services, Congregation for the Evangelization of the Peoples, the Vatican) http://www.fides.org/aree/news/newsdet.php?idnews=31448&lan=ita (Agenzia Fides, Palazzo di Propaganda Fide, Vaticano) (新聞中金神父的年齡、癌症部位、返臺治療日期、遺屬有誤) 鮑思高慈幼會訃告: http://www.sdbcin.org/cp/p05/p05.asp?page=P050907b/p050907b.htm (訃聞) http://www.sdbcin.org/cp/p03/p03c06/p03c06a/matthewKING.htm (金充威神父生平簡歷) (簡歷中遺漏金神父在臺北期間每週一天為教廷駐華大使館的「兼差」工作) 親友相告: 罹患癌症的金充威神父於昨天(7月9日)下午六時卅五分於臺北馬偕紀念醫院安寧病房安息主懷,該日正好是中華殉道聖人紀念日。望主賜以永安,照以永光!神父將長眠於香港慈幼會墓園。 My beloved eldest cousin Father Matthew King, SDB, succumbed to cancer at Mackay Memorial Hospital in Taipei yesterday at 6:35 pm, on the day (July 9) when the Universal Church commemorates the 120 Chinese Martyrs who heroically sacrificed their lives for spreading the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ. 聖保祿說:「因為我們中沒有一人是為自己而生的,也沒有一人是為自己而死的;因為我們或者生,是為主而生,或者死,是為主而死;所以我們或生或死,都是屬於主。」 -羅十四7~8 St. Paul said: "None of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's." – Rom 14:7-8 |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |