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2009/09/28 03:43:28瀏覽2358|回應2|推薦10 | |
這是上個星期的熱門話題:一群公立學校小朋友被訓練要讚美歐總統,影片被貼在youtube上: Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama He said that all must lend a hand To make this country strong again Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama He said we must be fair today Equal work means equal pay Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama He said that we must take a stand To make sure everyone gets a chance Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama He said red, yellow, black or white All are equal in his sight Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama Yes! Mmm, mmm, mm Barack Hussein Obama Hello, Mr. President we honor you today! For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!" Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one! The first black American to lead this great nation! Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans To make this country's economy number one again! Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you! And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue! So continue --- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick So here's a hearty hip-hooray --- Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray! 有些家長的負面反應:非常傷心氣憤,認為這種教條,膜拜是愚笨的行動。尊重總統是重要的教育,但是不應該把政策混在這裡。有些家長害怕再把學生送到這個學校,也有些家長想要校長辭職。 目前還沒有找到支持的聲音,只有一篇自由派新聞說「這是右翼媒體散播恐懼的八卦流言。我們對這個影片的背景並不清楚,而且這個影片的公佈並沒有學生和家長的同意」。(有說跟沒說一樣) 至於我,我聯想到兩件事。第一是「連爺爺你回來了」,第二是還有小時候唱過的「總統...蔣公...您是人類的救星...」。 這是真正的“Change you can Believe In“:在二十一世紀的美國,小學生開始歌頌人民的公僕。這再一次告訴我們,,每一個選票都有它必須付出的代價,選舉的時候,投下每一票之前,你一定要考慮清楚,因為你的選票改變的,可能包括最重要的下一代。 嗯,嗯,嗯! 背景資料 保守派電視訪談: Sean Hannity: Parents of Kids Subjected to Barack Obama Indoctrination Song Want Principal Fired 自由派的意見: New low: Beck and right-wing media minions fearmongering about kids to attack progressives |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |