You're not a Taiwanese |
2009/08/08 17:01 |
We do have free Internet access here in Taiwan, so you don't need to worry about the sources we could retrieve information. If you're a real Taiwanese, you will know that for sure. Maybe in PRC, you could say: "What I am doing here is trying to remind true America values to my people in PRC. This is particularly important because none of the information is accessible there.". It's easy for someone to describe a strange world with their common sense, though it might not be definitely true. Even you are a real Taiwnese, I don't see any qualification you have , which could allow you to say: "They believe that financial crisis is caused by filthy CEOs with private jets (now even some idiots blame it to Ronald Reagan, unbelievable), not by those criminals in ACORN and congresswomen with several private jets." Clearly, your major is not anything related to economics, anyone buys your viewpoints is at his/her risk--however, it's not propriate for you say anything in a way "They believe...."-- You just are not a good representative of Taiwanese, not to mention you are probably not a real one.
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-08-09 13:35 回覆: |
經濟進步的原因 |
2009/04/21 16:33 |
我不清楚 歐巴馬的這套對策方案是否有效 但是老實說 我希望他有效 通常極盛期 官員人民貪污到不行 只問收穫 不問耕耘於是經濟就衰退了 通常衰弱期 官員人民大家努力到不行 人人只問耕耘 不問收穫 於是經濟就進步了
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-04-30 13:45 回覆: |
Hello Martin |
2009/03/19 05:45 |
I don't have a blog yet and the work I do is for private marketing companies. I'm currently working on a white paper about the mortgage crisis.
Press bias is the number one reason the American people believe what they believe. The Bush administration did not defend itself as strongly as it should have. They are starting to do that now as they contrast their administration with Obama's.
The major newspapers and TV networks are in serious trouble financialy and some of them are already close to bankruptcy. Perhaps they are beginning to change their ways. Yesterday's "Washington Post" headlined news Obama was losing his "political capital" because of the bonuses paid to AIG executives and his overall performance since his inaugaration. It was a headline I never expected from the "Washington Post".
American values are still found in the small and medium cities in the USA. That is the purpose of Piggle's blog. Everything happens for a reason. I believe the Obama administration will force Americans to take a hard look at themselves and their values.
So far, Obama has broken at least 10 campaign promises. The business community is losing confidence in him and if that continues, it will spread to the citizens. He has already lost Republicans who voted for him. The Independents are fading and he will lose conservative Democrats if he stays on his present course.
Some website you might want to visit are World News Daily, Drudge Report, and Politico.com. The latter is slightly left leaning but has fair reporting and a nice selection of conservative op-ed pieces.
Drudge and World News both pull up stories that get buried in the mainstream media.
Newsbusters.org exposes liberal bias in media almost as soon as it is published or broadcast. Some of the liberals who read this blog should read Newsbusters so they can see how they are lied too. Of course, the liberal mindset means twisting the truth to one's own world view and staying in a perpetual state of denial.
USA is going down the wrong path |
2009/03/16 22:47 |
Hi-- I'm Piggle's husband. I totally agree with you. Much of Reagan's plan was to reduce taxes for everyone. Obama wants to tax the people who provide income to other people. This will rob them of the incentive to produce their goods. Obama advocates policies that have already failed in the USA under presidents Carter, Ford and Nixon. His policies mean a major expansion of government and are strategically geared to maintain and increase his party's power. Experts in this country see his goals as increasing the power of the Democratic Party and not curing the economy. His huge budget could bankrupt the USA or create worldwide inflation like we've never seen. One of the most interesting news stories was recent news mainland China dropped its tax rate. Car sales in February increased 25 percent! It would appear China listened to Reagan and Bush. In America, consumers are not buying much because of uncertainty over what this government is going to do. That affects China as well as anyone in Taiwan who has manufacring business in China. China is also reluctant to buy more US Treasury Notes because they don't believe the USA is facing its economic problem with the proper strategy under the Obama administration. Piggle read me some of the Chinese language comments. These people are dead wrong. The USA will fail if it constinues on it current course. I am a freelance writer and media analyst for major USA companies in Automotive, Healthcare, and Banking. I see what is happening everyday as I must read and analyze news clippings representing all political and economic views. Mike Plumstead
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-03-17 11:46 回覆: |
Hi Mike,
It is great honor to have yourt comment and summary. Are your writings in accessible somewhere on internet? Looks like we have a lot in agreement. My question for you is the origin of all this: The reason a lot of people came to USA, including myself, is for its freedom, capitalism, and self responsibility. But I do sense a lot of "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN" during the past few years: Twisted/biased thinking emerged and became mainstream. For example, rich=filthy and evil, republican= war and rich, democrats= savior, oil company= evil and anti-earth. The strange thing is most people think these are all true.
More questions: What is the reason that all these twisted value became main stream in the USA? Why are most media consistent with democrats? Why am I wrong if I work hard and trying to buy myself a nice vacation home? Why is American dream evil? Why is my government after me if I work hard and successful? Where can I find the fundamental values that attracted me to the US? What can I do to help?
What I am doing here is trying to remind true America values to my people in Taiwan. This is particularly important because none of the information is accessible there. All media just copy-paste USA's "mainstream" media- so people became twisted without knowing what's happening. They believe that financial crisis is caused by filthy CEOs with private jets (now even some idiots blame it to Ronald Reagan, unbelievable), not by those criminals in ACORN and congresswomen with several private jets. I would like my people to have access to truth.
I would like to invite you to come back and see my blog, and
correct me as needed. If Piggle gets too busy with her rutabaga,
you can use google translate to obtain English version-mostly pretty funky translation but you will get some idea. I am an employee of a company in production industry. I never miss a deadline of tax, mortgage, and credit card bill. I write this little blog with my little spare time, 1-2 hours per day.
Sincerely- 阿卡迪亞
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2009/03/16 12:35 |
我跟您道歉, 是我老不更事,用詞沒加斟酌. 我想重申,只是針對雷根經濟學. 至於犯怒之言,當不是說給如您之修養之人聽的.
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-03-17 11:06 回覆: |
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2009/03/15 14:28 |
歐巴馬不是什麼好東西,我也同意. 只是事後諸葛,或說的一口好菜,誰都會! 我倒想聽聽各位人中之龍, 從雷曼兄弟宣佈倒閉的那一天起, 您們有更好的方法嗎? 在五大投資銀行關門,AIG瀕危,商業銀行如風中殘燭, 百分之八十國民的養老金,教育基金,甚至生活費,都汲汲可危. 眼看經濟就要崩盤,人心即將潰散的時候, 您教雷根出來說:[政府不會干涉你們,你們自己看著辦吧!]嗎? 或是各位手心朝下的經濟奇才,行行好,就算做功德. 現在就告訴我們, 政府該怎麼辦,民眾該怎麼做,才能渡過這惱人的危機? 不過可不要信口開河喔!害死我們可會遭天譴的.
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-03-16 11:40 回覆: |
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2009/03/15 00:33 |
如果您是美國總統, 當時局已經走到金融體系即將崩潰, 生產事業紛紛告急, 服物務事業大幅萎縮. 眼看著美國經濟,即將不可收拾. 您該怎麼辦? 雖然是以前人謀不彰造成的, 但您能說;你們要撐住啊!等政府先把自己救起來,再來救你們. 歐巴馬不是救世主, 他只是一個醫生,剛好碰到心臟病突發的病人. 您要他開給病人吃降膽固醇的藥?還是馬上打強心劑? 先活著,才能來慢慢調養.您說呢?
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-03-15 04:20 回覆: |
Pls clearly lay out your ways to resolve the present US problems. |
2009/03/14 15:52 |
Don't just say Reganism, clearly lay out different ways to solve the US problems. Let GM, Citi, and AIG bankrupt?
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-03-15 04:29 回覆: |
Good comment. I think any company that can't compete need to go bankrupt. GM for example, they can't manufacture cars cheap, reliable, and good quality, that's all their own problem, not mine. It doesn't make any sense I am responsible for it. The auto market is always there, if they can't make quality/cheap cars that sells to market, someone else will. US economics will more likely revive that way, that means we need free market does its magic, otherwise you will pay for it, sooner or later.
雷根時代開啟了美國人的國債赤字 |
2009/03/14 14:53 |
這篇文章一面倒歌訟 雷根 的經濟政策是完全不對的。
雷根 政府針對冷戰時期的前蘇聯,提出了一個大膽,異想天開,浩費天文數字
般預算的〞星戰計劃〞,最後不了了之。 這真是共和黨政府的一貫作風。
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-03-14 15:16 回覆: |
不對 |
2009/03/14 14:40 |
但也就是因為雷根種下的因, 所以才有今日經濟危機的果 並且當年雷根所處的國際環境與現在大不相同, 日本正在巔峰, 中國尚未崛起, 亞洲與拉丁美洲各國隨便美國跨國企業予取予求, 傾全球之力才造就了美國的繁榮. 現在的美國已經不是這樣了, 當然不能相提並論
阿卡迪亞斯基(martinique) 於 2009-03-14 14:59 回覆: |