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芝麻事: 寫一封關於友誼的信
2013/11/28 11:05:17瀏覽721|回應8|推薦27


Dearest Mav:

I am so sorry I missed your call this afternoon of your graciousness for our yesterday's trip to see those annual Sandhill Crane Migration. There's no need to say thank-you to me, the pleasure are all mine. I love to have you to share the road trip. You know I've been always enjoying talking to you. I always can learn something from your wisdom and witty words (I had never known that I'd love the juicy gussip before I met you.) Believe me; I have learned A Lot from you, my dearest friend.

I know you have tons of work to do at this closer time to Thanksgiving, your willingness to accompany me to Indiana, in such a freezing cold day (the nighttime TV news showed the terrible road condition, lucky us, I guess we had just by passed those fat snow falling yesterday afternoon, huh~), to see those flying birds year after year is my greatest honor. It is I who need to say Thank You, my friend.

As I told you that I am going to bring some of my movie CD collection for you to enjoy your time with your family in this winter holiday season; here is one movie I particularly want to share with you: Beaches (film-some friendship last forever), talking about friendship of two women. I am sure you will love the story and the movie as I do.

Enjoy it~


Yours Truthfully,


p.s. Do watch the bonus presented; there has the song, WIND BENEATH MY WINGS, sang by this movie star Bette Midler I had it replayed over and over, not only because Bette sang the music beautifully but also there are words stand for what I feel of you:

Did you ever know that you're my hero ...













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Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2013/12/08 11:56
復活節的大遷徒, Monarch butterflies 也領風騷, 又稱 Wanderers, 去年仍有 30 million 在復活節當天, 飛抵墨西哥。
您有興趣寒山獵鹿嗎? 或僅是止乎禮的雪霽尋梅?
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-12-09 01:46 回覆:

Monarch Butterfiles的年度遷屣,幾年前還很有興趣;左思右想,還是把這榮耀讓給有地利之便的德州佬鄉(譬如說Okayman)吧~ 聽說今年到達墨西哥的Monarch Butterfiles,比起往年少了很多,why? I wonder。其實今夏特別少見它們,因是有其因由吧?! Leave it to Specialist。

獵鹿? 我想我是不可能的。Being a deer hunter是我的前世,不是今生。越靠近WIS邊界的林子裡越容易見到鹿,我家附近林子裡,也有一家幾隻鹿,看看就好,NS是不想打擾更甭提獵它們;我怕槍、我怕流血、我怕美麗生命的流失、、、我承認我是膽小鬼!!! By the way, 說到獵鹿影迷NS喜愛的電影The Last Mohigan開始片刻,Daniel Day-Lewis追捕公鹿拍得太美啦,膽小鬼NS看電影就滿足deer hunter的幻想。Youtube找不到那段給Sir Norton看,可惜了。

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-12-09 05:11 回覆:
我怕槍、我怕流血、我 don't 怕美麗生命的流失、、、 some people like Dick Cheney!!!

2013/12/07 02:43



nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-12-07 08:31 回覆:

的確是 年紀越大 經驗累積越多 越覺得真心 相知的可貴~
多年的在美生活 NS始終學不來 美式的虛情假意
更是由此知道 能接受NS心直口快 真誠對待的老美 真的不多!! 真的不多!! 真的不多!! 真的不多!! 真的不多!! 真的不多!! 真的不多!! ...

2013/12/05 19:44


有拍到Sandhill Crane的照片嗎?

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-12-06 09:11 回覆:
我的朋友當然不叫我NS啦~ 那是在UDN的稱謂。

2013/12/02 17:19

I clicked the link and popped up more good stuffs such as “Jennifer Rush---The Power of Love”, “Simon and Garfunkel---Bridge Over Troubled water”... that makes me pull out the crystal going with the sun setting.

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-12-02 20:07 回覆:

That is why I like youtube, it groups similar music to enjoy, a benefit saving time and saving $.   :-)

2013/12/02 17:17

一封很好的分享信,在人生旅途裡能結交知心益友, 確是珍貴.

由文中插曲連結出七八零年代的許多好歌, 比起今代流行歌曲,有很大不同, 流行歌曲引導社會風氣. 無可諱言, 現代歌曲招來毛躁,兇殘,混亂,自私,無愛,詭詐..

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-12-02 20:01 回覆:

收信人M是我一進公司交到的最要好朋友之一  我們彼此打氣才能在風雨飄搖的爛公司裡 撐到現在. M是個老式的溫合派 我是急衝鋒的行動派 我們倆是互補 ... 能有如此可信賴的好友是我的福氣.

包老大對現代歌曲的意見 NS因為很少(根本是沒機會)聽到臺灣(或香港 或中國大陸)的歌曲 是不是毛躁 是不是兇殘 混亂 ... 我沒意見(沒有權利發言啦). 西洋流行歌曲裡 rap的饒舌歌曲 我是聽不下去的 它們的流行是有它們的背景的 聽的人喜不喜歡 只能自己選擇過濾了.

Bette Midler不很算是流行歌界的天王天后級(她走的是劇場 秀場的路線 也跨界演電影) 但是這首當年贏得Oscar獎的歌 到現在也還常在收音機裡聽到 的確是好歌經得起考驗. 歌詞很有意義. 有翅的(鳥及飛機)都得靠翅膀下的風才得飛翔. 人也是要靠朋友 靠群眾的支持 才能活得有意思~

2013/11/30 17:52

somehow i have this feeling that barbara streisand is a lookie likey of bette midler or the nemesis of bette midler must be barbara streisand coz she takes over the position of i might be not good looking but i am talented. barbara streisand got this all and bette midler is kinda underrated. but it takes tremenedous effort to reach that hall of fame. she got what she deserves. i guess.

and as it turns out i havent been to your hometown after all. thanks for the tip though.

have u ever watched this b4? i amreally a 賤精 coz i have no problem with the girl. having watched the peking episode. but i genuinely feel that please, replace ken hom with gordon ramsay please. if u read those youtube comment, many people dont like the girl. 

u see if u find this girl stupid. they were screaming and yelling coz they considered that she's stupid. 

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-11-30 22:42 回覆:

I was watching the youtube of yours less than half way; then, it went off because shock wave broken that google does not support (I tell you, do not accept google any offer, it will occupy the operation system to embed so many junk ... there too many AD embeded by google it takes over all pic area of news I read, especially UDN & WorldJournal which I highly suspect the newspaper adm. signed some agreement with google to embed unnecessary AD, this is reason why I have to give up my desktop to use laptop which had poor chinese font system.) that I will have to come back to watch the youtube sometimes later. Therefore, I have no saying of the piece.

As for the music, I know nothing of whether Barbara and Bette's paths been entertwined or not (first time I heard of Bette was some times of this moive showing @ 1988. But, you could be right. Both women are talented of their voices and not so of pretty faces; and you're right of Bette is underrated; however, Bette has reputation more in show biz, not by records/no well famed worldwide as Barbara.

If you watched the Youtube attached on my writing to the end, there has another piece (don't remember the title) of Bette in LasVagus show, it is about 2 hous long (which is why even I did not completed that piece,) all Bette's talent exposed on that youtube, it is funny and witty, you'll enjoy it.

I will tell you what I think of 成都美食 later when I finish watch'g on my laptop. 

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-12-02 10:25 回覆:

I don't think you have missed something important by the absent visiting the so called "my hometown" any way. The old impression I wrote is fading (or had faded) from last time I visit my parents' place; needless to say your idea of the old style of Taiwain or old way of living for a piece of history.

After my last pet peeve of google chrome, I decide to delete this hateful system from my web browser. The result is satisfied; the learning experience is "there is no free lunch."

As for the food intro of 美食之旅, the woman may not be a perfect hostess but is not the worse one. Ever since those BBC scandals, I don't know how I would trust BBC; scentific programs may be ok but not program depends on personal researches or personal style. I rarely watch food program any way. Beside, my father used to be the "chef" of my family that I don't think any dishes would be tastier than his food/cooking. My father tried (and started) to cook dishes from his memory of those old taste buds survived on his nostalgia; his foods were very different from those commercial foods you've seen on the youtube. It was the homesickness he put on every dishes, so unique...  (他是成都人,16歲從軍加入青年軍就離鄉不回。)

2013/11/29 22:04
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-11-29 23:17 回覆:
第二法,不適用。第一法,非常方便,的確有效。Thank You、、、 Appreciated。
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-11-29 23:25 回覆:
您對電腦的知識,絕不 [貧瘠] 。您太謙虛了。

nothing special
2013/11/29 11:12

當我用window vista的laptop時,UDN (聯合報、部落格、世界新聞、、、)的字體小到瞇眼都無法閱讀? (怎麼都找不到放大字體的function,記得以前報頭有,但是沒有字小的困擾!!)
What is going on?
Am I the only one having this problem?


nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-11-29 13:40 回覆:
真麻煩!! 只有改變自己PC的PGI,字變稍大了,所有的icon也跟著變好大多 。。。