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What goes around
2006/04/09 00:40:49瀏覽418|回應2|推薦8

How would the English traslated  山不轉,路轉?
Well, learned the following term very recently, Felt that it is the best fit translation.
What goes around, comes around.

( 心情隨筆其他 )
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日月光明 LKK
2013/11/25 07:03

小心報應, is accurate translation. :)  "What goes around, comes around", often said as an advice before hand. 自作自受 has after-the-fact connotations. 「不是不報﹐時候未到。」also fits, depends on the situations. 

Heheh.... NS is so inquisitive. :)  First time encounter for LKK, just like to get to know your blog better, so went back to read your early articles. You have a lively, lovely, and fluent writing style, cheerful, sometimes insightful, as well, worthwhile stopping by often. Nice meeting you here.

Are you located in the midwest? I travel among US, Taiwan, and China often, primarily stay in Southern California. 

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-11-25 09:10 回覆:

All 3 are correct; it only depends on what you want you to say and when to convey the idea. The time when I wrote this was at a time I had seen mean people torturing their subordinates by their superior power; they didnot understand what they did would be come around to strike themselves eventually, many cases showed their falling disgracefully.

Am I inquisitive? Per my dictiounary, other than curious, its 2nd meaning is NOSY. I hope that is not what I am. :-D  My defense is I am what I am and I have a quite logical mind (don't blame me if you think I am too pompus making a joke; I did major in Math).

Yes, I've living in Mid-West for many, many years. While we midwesterner are suffering of the sever wether, you californian are living in the paradise, especially in southern CA. Gee, life is so unfair!!

Good to see you here too.

日月光明 LKK
2013/11/24 14:42
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2013-11-25 00:13 回覆:


What goes around, comes around 翻成「自作自受」,說得過去。但是,差了一點宗教勸人為善的意味。語出聖經的What goes around, comes around 的最佳翻譯應該是「報應」。