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Knowledge passing down from ancestors: meridian acupuncture and pressure points, spinal nerves that I share with you publicly, for public reference and research.祖傳經絡,穴道,脊骨神經醫學,拔火罐,藥灸療法,公諸於世, 
No medicine.No shots.No surgical operation. 不急不刀,不需不藥。生病不一定要吃藥,確定病源用適當方法治療。
Eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less meats, eat a little bit of ginger. exercise on a regular basis. Search the following for health information. 經絡暢通百病無,脊椎骨正健康身。少許生薑片及蒜頭有益健康,非急不打針,大家平安
I will share my lifelong learning, acupuncture and Chinese medicine enlightenment with everybody.傾囊相授。
I am going to translate this blog to English, but my English is’nt very well. Could you help me finish my wish?

---Learning ACUPUNCTURE MERIDIANS AND POINTS requires a lot of practice. First of all, we must understand that the 12 regular meridians circulation in a day. 讓我們先了解 , 經絡大綱, 在一天當中, 說明經絡循環的時間與路線 !

A0. The 12 regular meridians make one cycle by the Chinese traditional time order in a day.

(1、子。)--11. 足少陽膽經脈 Gall Bladder(GB)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-11:00P.M.~ next day 01:00A.M.

(2、丑。)--12. 足厥陰肝經脈 Liver (LV):(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. Time-01:00A.M.~03:00A.M.

(3、寅。)--01. 手太陰肺經脈 Lung (LU) 。(HAND YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-03:00A.M.~05:00A.M.

(4、卯。)--02. 手陽明大腸經 Large Intestine (LI)。(HAND YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-05:00A.M.~07:00A.M.

(5、辰。)--03. 足陽明胃經脈 Stomach (ST)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs)..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

(6、巳。)--04. 足太陰脾經脈 Spleen Pancreas (SP)。(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-09:00A.M.~11:00A.M.

(7、午。)--05. 手少陰心經脈 Heart (HT)。(HAND YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-11:00A.M.~01:00P.M.

(8、未。)--06. 手太陽小腸經 Small Intestine (SI)。(HAND YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-01:00P.M.~03:00P.M.

(9、申。)--07. 足太陽膀胱經 Bladder (BL)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-03:00P.M.~05:00P.M.

(10、酉。)--08. 足少陰腎經脈 Kidney (KI)。(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-05:00P.M.~07:00P.M.

(11、戌。)--09. 手厥陰心包經 Heart Constrictor (HC):(HAND YIN:MOON), or (Heart Pericardium)(the internal organs). .TIME-07:00P.M.~09:00P.M.

(12、亥。)--10. 手少陽三焦經 Triple Heart (TH)。(HAND YANG:SUN) or (Triple Burner) or (sanjiao),(the hollow organs).. TIME-09:00P.M.~11:00P.M.

紅色代表陽經脈! 空心的 六腑 ,red color show (YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs)[Med] the six hollow [Fu] organs (gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder and sanjiao)

藍色代表陰經脈!實心的 內部器官,五臟. ,blue color show (YIN:MOON), (the internal organs) of the body (heart, spleen, liver, lungs and kidneys)

A1. The 12 regular meridians in a day make one cycle by the time order.

A2. The following figure that copyrighted in GABY’s.

A . Let’s study the 12 meridians beginning from (1) GALL BLADDER MERIDIAN now.

B Gab design & Jack design

(C).Copyright JACK LEE. (JACK LEE design)

(D).Copyright JACK LEE. (JACK LEE design) (Taiwanese)

E. The 12 meridians circulation of the Chinese traditional order by the time.and activity on the pathway figure

(1、子。)--11. 足少陽膽經脈 Gall Bladder(GB)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-11:00P.M.~ next day 01:00A.M.

Touch the following web page (a)&(b). GALL BLADDER MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .

(a) (1、子。)--11. 足少陽膽經脈 Gall Bladder(GB)。GB - GALL BLADDER MERIDIAN (Meridijan Žolčnika)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (44 points) 1
(b) (1、子。)--11. 足少陽膽經脈 Gall Bladder(GB)。 gb/0: Gall Bladder (GB) 足少陽膽經脈

(2、丑。)--12. 足厥陰肝經脈 Liver (LV):(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. Time-01:00A.M.~03:00A.M.

Touch the following web page (a)& (b). LIVER  MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (2、丑。)--12. 足厥陰肝經脈 Liver (LV)。 ~ LR - LIVER MERIDIAN (Meridijan Jeter)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (14 points) 2
(b) (2、丑。)--12. 足厥陰肝經脈 Liver (LV)。~ liv/0: Liver Meridian(LV) 足厥陰肝經脈

(3、寅。)--01. 手太陰肺經脈 Lung (LU) 。(HAND YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-03:00A.M.~05:00A.M.

Touch the following web page (a)&(b). LUNG   MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (3、寅。)--01. 手太陰肺經脈 Lung (LU) 。 ~ LU - LUNG MERIDIAN (Meridijan Pljuč)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (11 points) 3
(b)(3、寅。)--01. 手太陰肺經脈 Lung (LU) 。~ lu/0: Lung meridian (LU)手太陰肺經

(4、卯。)--02. 手陽明大腸經 Large Intestine (LI)。(HAND YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-05:00A.M.~07:00A.M.

Touch the following web page (a) &(b). GALL BLADDER MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (4、卯。)--02. 手陽明大腸經 Large Intestine (LI)。 ~ LI - LARGE INTESTINE MERIDIAN

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (20 points) 4
(b) (4、卯。)--02. 手陽明大腸經 Large Intestine (LI)。 li/0: Large Intestine (LI)大腸經

(5、辰。)--03. 足陽明胃經脈 Stomach (ST)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs)..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

Touch the following web page (a) & (b). GALL BLADDER MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (5、辰。)--03. 足陽明胃經脈 Stomach (ST)。 ~ ST - STOMACH MERIDIAN (Meridijan Želodca)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (45 points) 5
(b) (5、辰。)--03. 足陽明胃經脈 Stomach (ST)。 st/0:(ST) Stomach 足陽明胃經脈

(6、巳。)--04. 足太陰脾經脈 Spleen Pancreas (SP)。(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-09:00A.M.~11:00A.M.

Touch the following web page (a) (b). Spleen Pancreas (SP) MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (6、巳。)--04. 足太陰脾經脈 Spleen Pancreas (SP)。 ~ SP - SPLEEN MERIDIAN (Meridijan Vranice)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (21 points)  sp 6
(b) (6、巳。)--04. 足太陰脾經脈 Spleen Pancreas (SP)。sp/0:Spleen Pancres (SP)脾經脈

(7、午。)--05. 手少陰心經脈 Heart (HT)。(HAND YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-11:00A.M.~01:00P.M.

Touch the following web page (a) & (b). Heart (HT) MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (7、午。)--05. 手少陰心經脈 Heart (HT)~ HT - HEART MERIDIAN (Meridijan Srca)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (9 points) 7
(b) (7、午。)--05. 手少陰心經脈 Heart (HT)。5、手少陰心經脈 Heart

(8、未。)--06. 手太陽小腸經 Small Intestine (SI)。(HAND YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-01:00P.M.~03:00P.M.

Touch the following web page (a) & (b). Small Intestine MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (8、未。)--06.手太陽小腸經 Small Intestine (SI)。SI - SMALL INTESTINE (Meridijan Tankega črevesa)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (45 points) 5
(b) (8、未。)--06.手太陽小腸經 Small Intestine (SI)。 si/0: Small Intestine (SI)小腸經

(9、申。)--07. 足太陽膀胱經 Bladder (BL)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-03:00P.M.~05:00P.M.

Touch the following web page (a) & (b). Bladder (BL) MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (9、申。)--07. 足太陽膀胱經 Bladder(BL)。 ~ UB - URINAL BLADDER MERIDIAN (Meridijan Mehurja)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (45 points) 5
(b) (9、申。)--07. 足太陽膀胱經 Bladder (BL)。 bl/0:膀胱經 Bladder (BL)

(10、酉。)--08. 足少陰腎經脈 Kindey (KI)。(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-05:00P.M.~07:00P.M.

Touch the following web page (a) (b). Kindey (KI)。MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (10、酉。)--08. 足少陰腎經脈 Kindey (KI)。 ~ KI - KIDNEY MERIDIAN (Meridijan Ledvic)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (21 points)  sp 6
(b) (10、酉。)--08. 足少陰腎經脈 Kindey (KI)。ki/0:腎經脈 Kindey (KI)

(11、戌。)--09. 手厥陰心包經 Heart Constrictor (HC):(HAND YIN:MOON), or (Heart Pericardium)(the internal organs). .TIME-07:00P.M.~09:00P.M.

Touch the following web page (a) (b). Heart Constrictor or Pericardium(HC) MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure
(a) (11、戌。)--09. 手厥陰心包經 Heart Constrictor (HC)。 ~ PC - PREICARD MERIDIAN (Meridijan Perikarda)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (21 points)  sp 6
(b) (11、戌。)--09. 手厥陰心包經 Heart Constrictor (HC)。hc/0:手厥陰心包經 Heart Contrictor (HC)or (Heart Pericardium)

(12、亥。)--10. 手少陽三焦經 Triple Heart (TH)。(HAND YANG:SUN) or (Triple Burner) or (sanjiao),(the hollow organs).. TIME-09:00P.M.~11:00P.M.

Touch the following web page (a) & (b). Triple Heart(TH)or (Triple Burner) MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (12、亥。)--10. 手少陽三焦經 Triple Heart (TH)。SJ - SANJIAO - TRIPLE HEATER MERIDIAN (Meridijan Trojnega grelca)

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (45 points) 5
(b) (12、亥。)--10. 手少陽三焦經 Triple Heart (TH)。 th/0: (TH)Triple Heart Meridian 三焦 or (Triple Burner) or (sanjiao)

Let’s looking forward to (1、子。)--11. 足少陽膽經脈 Gall Bladder(GB)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-11:00P.M.~ next day again! !---In another cycle 01:00A.M.

(Report on Today ) ! !

The 8 Extra Merdidians that two of them are (1).Conception Vessel (C.V.)(任脈), 24-point. and (2). Governor Vessel (G.V.)(督脈), 28-point.
(1).Conception Vessel (C.V.)(任脈), 24-point.
Touch the following web page (a) (b). (1).Conception Vessel (C.V.)(任脈) MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure
(a) (1).Conception Vessel (C.V.)(任脈), 24-point。 ~ REN MERIDIAN - CONCEPTION VESSEL

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (24 points)
(b) (1).Conception Vessel (C.V.)(任脈), 24-point. cv/am0:Conception Vessel (C.V.)(任脈)

(2). Governor Vessel (G.V.)(督脈), 28-point.
Touch the following web page (a) & (b). (2). Governor Vessel (G.V.)(督脈) MERIDIAN point was activity on the pathway figure .
(a) (2). Governor Vessel (G.V.)(督脈), 28-point.。DU MERIDIAN - GOVERNING VESSEL

Tap the following web page (b) explain of【部位 area】,【主治 heal】,【取穴 find point】,【解剖 dissect】,【方法 method】,【應用 application】acupuncture point name are listed in the following. (28 points) 
(b) (2). Governor Vessel (G.V.)(督脈), 28-point.。 gv/pm0: Governor Vessel (GV)(督脈 )
( 知識學習健康 )
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