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2007/12/12 07:39:40瀏覽1593|回應0|推薦0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
12、足厥陰 【肝經脈】 。足厥陰肝經 Liver(LV):(FOOT YIN:MOON)。
(LV)’s.acupuncture point and name are listed in the following. (14 points)--Tap the following acupuncture point name and explain.
Main indicationAcupuncture points in this Meridiadin are indicated for liver, gynecological and ginetal diseases. they are also recommended for symptoms along the meridian pathway. 主治概要肝經經脈主治肝病、主治婦科、前陰部疾病、及本線路相關之疾病、包括腰疼痛、胸滿悶感、呃逆、遺尿、小便不順、疝氣、小腹部腫脹疼痛,顯示肝經脈出問體。足厥陰肝經經脈 Liver (LV): 12、足厥陰肝經Liver
( 知識學習|健康 ) |