(1)12 meridians in our body.------Taping it.--.Explain in ENGLISH.--.
(2). The 12 regular meridians make one cycle by the Chinese traditional time order in a day.
(1、子。)--11. 足少陽膽經脈 Gall Bladder(GB)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-11:00P.M.~ next day 01:00A.M.--
----taping show Gall Bladder(GB)Explain in ENGLISH.
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Gall Bladder(GB)
(2、丑。)--12. 足厥陰肝經脈 Liver (LV):(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. Time-01:00A.M.~03:00A.M.--
----taping show Liver (LV)Explain in ENGLISH.
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Liver (LV)
(3、寅。)--01. 手太陰肺經脈 Lung (LU) 。(HAND YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-03:00A.M.~05:00A.M.--
----taping show Lung(LU)Explain in ENGLISH.
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Lung(LU)
(4、卯。)--02. 手陽明大腸經 Large Intestine (LI)。(HAND YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-05:00A.M.~07:00A.M.--
----taping show Large Intestine(LI) Explain in ENGLISH.
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Large Intestine(LI)
(5、辰。)-- 03. 足陽明胃經脈 Stomach(ST)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs)..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.--
----taping show Stomach (ST)Explain in ENGLISH.
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of.Stomach (ST)
(6、巳。)--04. 足太陰脾經脈 Spleen Pancreas (SP)。(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-09:00A.M.~11:00A.M.--
----taping show Spleen Pancreas (SP)。 Explain in ENGLISH.
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Spleen Pancreas (SP)
(7、午。)--05. 手少陰心經脈 Heart (HT)。(HAND YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-11:00A.M.~01:00P.M.--
----taping show Heart (HT) Explain in ENGLISH.
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Heart (HT)
(8、未。)--06. 手太陽小腸經 Small Intestine (SI)。(HAND YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs). TIME-01:00P.M.~03:00P.M.--
----taping show Small Intestine (SI) Explain in ENGLISH.
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Small Intestine (SI)
(9、申。)--07. 足太陽膀胱經 Bladder (BL)。(FOOT YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs).. TIME-03:00P.M.~05:00P.M.--
----taping show Bladder (BL)
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Bladder (BL)
(10、酉。)--08. 足少陰腎經脈 Kindey (KI)。(FOOT YIN:MOON), (the internal organs).. TIME-05:00P.M.~07:00P.M.--
----taping show Kindey (KI)Explain in ENGLISH.
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Kindey (KI)
(11、戌。)--09. 手厥陰心包經 Heart Constrictor (HC):(HAND YIN:MOON), or (Heart Pericardium)(the internal organs). .TIME-07:00P.M.~09:00P.M.--
----taping show Heart Constrictor (HC)or (Heart Pericardium).
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Heart Constrictor (HC)or (Heart Pericardium)
(12、亥。)--10. 手少陽三焦經 Triple Heart(TH)。(HAND YANG:SUN) or (Triple Burner) or (sanjiao),(the hollow organs).. TIME-09:00P.M.~11:00P.M.--
----taping show Triple Heart(TH)or (Triple Burner).
----Taping show activity on the pathway figure of. Triple Heart(TH)or (Triple Burner)
The 12 regular meridians in a day make one cycle by the time order, Conception and Governor Vessel by the anytime. (manuscript)