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(p.245 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)  

On his study table, at which he worked, he had placed, as it were a photograph of Odette, a reproduction of Jethro’s Daughter. He would gaze in admiration at the large eyes, the delicate features in which the imperfection of her skin might be surmised, the marvellous locks of hair that fell along her tired cheeks; and, adapting what he had already felt to be beautiful, on aesthetic grounds, to the idea of a living woman, he converted it into a series of physical merits which he congratulated himself on finding assembled in the person of one whom he might, ultimately, possess. The vague feeling of sympathy which attracts a spectator to a work of art, now that he knew the type, in warm flesh and blood, of Jethro’s Daughter, became a desire which more than compensated, thenceforward, for that with which Odette’s physical charms had at first failed to inspire him. When he had sat for a long time gazing at the Botticelli, he would think of his own living Botticelli, who seemed all the lovelier in contrast, and as he drew towards him the photograph of Zipporah he would imagine that he was holding Odette against his heart.

(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) 

Il plaça sur sa table de travail, comme une photographie d’Odette, une reproduction de la fille de Jéthro. Il admirait les grands yeux, le délicat visage qui laissait deviner la peau imparfaite, les boucles merveilleuses des cheveux le long des joues fatiguées, et adaptant ce qu’il trouvait beau jusque-là d’une façon esthétique à l’idée d’une femme vivante, il le transformait en mérites physiques qu’il se félicitait de trouver réunis dans un être qu’il pourrait posséder. Cette vague sympathie qui nous porte vers un chef-d’oeuvre que nous regardons, maintenant qu’il connaissait l’original charnel de la fille de Jéthro, elle devenait un désir qui suppléa désormais à celui que le corps d’Odette ne lui avait pas d’abord inspiré. Quand il avait regardé longtemps ce Botticelli, il pensait à son Botticelli à lui qu’il trouvait plus beau encore et, approchant de lui la photographie de Zéphora, il croyait serrer Odette contre son coeur.

(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )

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