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Vinteuil’s sonata 4:對這個樂句的愛仿佛在一瞬間在斯萬身上產生了恢復已經失去了的青春的可能性。
2009/05/31 23:57:15瀏覽448|回應0|推薦0


(p.229 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)  

Indeed this passion for a phrase of music seemed, in the first few months, to be bringing into Swann’s life the possibility of a sort of re— juvenation. He had so long since ceased to direct his course towards any ideal goal, and had confined himself to the pursuit of ephemeral satisfactions, that he had come to believe, though without ever formally stating his belief even to himself, that he would remain all his life in that condition, which death alone could alter. More than this, since his mind no longer entertained any lofty ideals, he had ceased to believe in (although he could not have expressly denied) their reality. He had grown also into the habit of taking refuge in trivial considerations, which allowed him to set on one side matters of fundamental importance. Just as he had never stopped to ask himself whether he would not have done better by not going into society, knowing very well that if he had accepted an invitation he must put in an appearance, and that afterwards, if he did not actually call, he must at least leave cards upon his hostess; so in his conversation he took care never to express with any warmth a personal opinion about a thing, but instead would supply facts and details which had a value of a sort in themselves, and excused him from shewing how much he really knew. He would be extremely precise about the recipe for a dish, the dates of a painter’s birth and death, and the titles of his works. Sometimes, in spite of himself, he would let himself go so far as to utter a criticism of a work of art, or of some one’s interpretation of life, but then he would cloak his words in a tone of irony, as though he did not altogether associate himself with what he was saying.

(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) 

Même cet amour pour une phrase musicale sembla un instant devoir amorcer chez Swann la possibilité d’une sorte de rajeunissement. Depuis si longtemps il avait renoncé à appliquer sa vie à un but idéal et la bornait à la poursuite de satisfactions quotidiennes, qu’il croyait, sans jamais se le dire formellement, que cela ne changerait plus jusqu’à sa mort ; bien plus, ne se sentant plus d’idées élevées dans l’esprit, il avait cessé de croire à leur réalité, sans pouvoir non plus la nier tout à fait. Aussi avait-il pris l’habitude de se réfugier dans des pensées sans importance et qui lui permettaient de laisser de côté le fond des choses. De même qu’il ne se demandait pas s’il n’eût pas mieux fait de ne pas aller dans le monde, mais en revanche savait avec certitude que s’il avait accepté une invitation il devait s’y rendre, et que s’il ne faisait pas de visite après il lui fallait laisser des cartes, de même dans sa conversation il s’efforçait de ne jamais exprimer avec coeur une opinion intime sur les choses, mais de fournir des détails matériels qui valaient en quelque sorte par eux-mêmes et lui permettaient de ne pas donner sa mesure. Il était extrêmement précis pour une recette de cuisine, pour la date de la naissance ou de la mort d’un peintre, pour la nomenclature de ses oeuvres. Parfois, malgré tout, il se laissait aller à émettre un jugement sur une oeuvre, sur une manière de comprendre la vie, mais il donnait alors à ses paroles un ton ironique comme s’il n’adhérait pas tout entier à ce qu’il disait.

(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )

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