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自省:反思齊奧蘭(“Thinking Against Oneself”: Reflections on Cioran)

One response to the collapse of philosophical system building in the nineteenth century was the rise of ideologies—aggressively antiphilosophical systems of thought, taking the form of various “positive” or descriptive sciences of man. Comte, Marx, Freud, and the pioneer figures of anthropology, sociology, and linguistics immediately come to mind.
另一反響是一種新的哲學化:個人化 (甚至是自傳性的) 的、警句格言式的、抒情性的、反體系化的。主要的典範包括克爾愷郭爾、尼采和維特根斯坦。齊奧蘭 (Cioran) 是這一傳統在當今最出色的代言人。
Another response to the debacle was a new kind of philosophizing: personal (even autobiographical), aphoristic, lyrical, anti-systematic. Its foremost exemplars: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein. Cioran is the most distinguished figure in this tradition writing today.

這種現代後哲學的哲學化傳統的出發點是認識到傳統形式的哲學話語業已破碎。留存下來的可能大多是破碎的、不完整的話語 (格言、筆記、備忘錄) 或是可能變成其他形式的話語 (寓言、詩歌、哲學故事、評論注釋)
The starting point for this modern post-philosophic tradition of philosophizing is the awareness that the traditional forms of philosophical discourse have been broken. The leading possibilities that remain are mutilated, incomplete discourse (the aphorism, the note or jotting) or discourse that has risked metamorphosis into other forms (the parable, the poem, the philosophical tale, the critical exegesis).
齊奧蘭顯然選擇了隨筆的形式。從1949年到1964年,他一共出版了5本書:《簡明分析》(1949),《苦痛三段論》(1952),《存在的誘惑》(1956),《歷史與烏托邦》(1960),《過去之罪》(1964)。按照一般的標準,這些隨筆頗為古怪——充滿沉思冥想,論述支離破碎,警句格言構成了文章的基本風格。這位出生於羅馬尼亞,在布加勒斯特大學學習哲學,從1937年起生活在巴黎,用法語寫作的作家,其作品中具有德國新哲學思想的悸動。德國新哲學思想的座右銘就是:格言或永恆。(此類例子甚多:利希滕貝格 (Lichtenberg) 和諾瓦利斯的哲理格言;當然還有尼采;里爾克的《杜伊諾哀歌》中的部分段落;以及卡夫卡的《反思愛、罪、希望、死亡、道》。)
Cioran has apparently chosen the essay form. Between 1949 and 1964, five collections have appeared: Précis de Décomposition (1949), Syllogismes de l’Amertume (1952), Le Tentation d’Exister (1956), Histoire et Utopie (1960), and La Chute dans le Temps (1964). But these are curious essays by ordinary standards—meditative, disjunctive in argument, essentially aphoristic in style. One recognizes, in this Roumanian-born writer who studied philosophy at the University of Bucharest and who has lived in Paris since 1937 and writes in French, the convulsive manner characteristic of German neo-philosophical thinking, whose motto is: aphorism or eternity. (Examples: the philosophical aphorisms of Lichtenberg and Novalis; Nietzsche of course; passages in Rilke’s Duino Elegies; and Kafka’s Reflections on Love, Sin, Hope, Death, the Way.)

齊奧蘭的主題是關於精神,最縝密精妙的意識的存在。對他的作品的蓋棺定論,正如人們能猜到的,與克萊斯特在論木偶劇中提出的經典論點頗為接近。在那篇文章中,克萊斯特寫道,不管我們多希望修補意識造成的混亂,回復人的自然和諧,但都不可能以放棄意識來達到目的。我們沒有回頭路,不可能回到純真年代了。我們別無選擇,只有去到思想的盡頭,(也許) 在那裡,在完全的自我意識中,我們會重新獲得恩典與純真。
In Cioran’s writings, therefore, the mind is a voyeur.
But not upon “the world.” Upon itself. Cioran is, to a degree reminiscent of Beckett, concerned with the absolute integrity of thought. That is, with the reduction or circumscription of thought to thinking about thinking. “The only free mind,” Cioran remarks, is “the one that, pure of all intimacy with being or objects, plies its own vacuity.”

哲學成為痛苦的思考。思考吞噬著自己,儘管 (也許正因為) 在重複地自我殘殺,它卻毫髮無傷地繼續發展著,甚至還興盛起來。在思想的激情表演中,思想家既是正面角色,又是反面角色。他既是受難的普羅米修士,又是那只冷酷的鷹,齧噬著普羅米修士不斷新生的內臟。
Philosophy becomes tortured thinking. Thinking that devours itself—and continues intact and even flourishes, in spite (or perhaps because) of these repeated acts of self-cannibalism. In the passion play of thought, the thinker plays the roles of both protagonist and antagonist. He is both suffering Prometheus and the remorseless eagle who consumes his perpetually regenerated entrails.

齊奧蘭思索的是存在的不可能狀態和難以想像的思想 (自省思考,等等)。但在他之前的尼采,早在一個世紀前就已經寫下了齊奧蘭幾乎所有的觀點。一個有趣的問題:為何具有如此敏感、強勢思想的人重複大多已經說過的觀點?是為了要將這些觀念實實在在地變成他自己的嗎?還是因為,如果這些觀念當初寫出來時是正確的,現在就更加正確了嗎?
As Nietzsche wanted to will his moral solitude, Cioran wants to will the difficult. Not that the essays are hard to read, but their moral point, so to speak, is the unending disclosure of difficulty. The argument of a typical Cioran essay might be described as a network of proposals for thinking—along with dissipations of the grounds for continuing to hold these ideas, not to mention the grounds for “acting” on the basis of them. By his complex intellectual formulation of intellectual impasses, Cioran constructs a closed universe—of the difficult—that is the subject of his lyricism.


尼采的印記同時體現在齊奧蘭的思考方式和原則態度上,但他與尼采最為相像的還是氣質。與尼采相似的氣質和個人風格,解釋了齊奧蘭作品中各種全然不同的素材之間的聯繫。這些素材包括:強調懷有抱負的精神生活之艱苦;計畫以自省來掌握自我;反復出現的尼采式主題——力量與軟弱、健康與疾病的針鋒相對——以及無情甚至有時尖刻的諷刺 (與克爾愷郭爾作品中諷刺與嚴肅幾近系統、辯證的互動頗為不同);致力擺脫平庸和乏味;對詩人職業的矛盾態度;富有吸引力但最後總是被拒絕的宗教意識的誘惑;當然,還有對歷史和現代生活大多數方面的敵意。
齊奧蘭作品中缺少的,是尼采那種試圖克服虛無主義 (永恆輪迴的法則) 的英雄主義式努力。
What’s missing in Cioran’s work is anything comparable to Nietzsche’s heroic effort to surmount nihilism (the doctrine of eternal recurrence).
And where Cioran most differs from Nietzsche is in not following Nietzsche’s critique of Platonism. Contemptuous of history, yet haunted by time and mortality, Nietzsche still refused anything harking back to the rhetoric established by Plato for going beyond time and death, and indeed worked hard at exposing what he thought the essential fraud and bad faith involved in the Platonic intellectual transcendence. Cioran, apparently, hasn’t been convinced by Nietzsche’s arguments. All the venerable Platonic dualisms reappear in Cioran’s writings, essential links of the argument, used with no more than an occasional hint of ironic reserve. One finds time versus eternity, mind versus body, spirit versus matter; and the more modern ones, too: life versus Life, and being versus existence. How seriously these dualisms are intended is hard to decide. Could one regard the Platonist machinery in Cioran’s thought as an aesthetic code? Or, alternatively, as a kind of moral therapy? But Nietzsche’s critique of Platonism would still apply and still remain unanswered.

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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