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Excerpt:《祁克果語錄 III‧體驗篇》
2022/07/16 06:12:33瀏覽258|回應0|推薦9
Excerpt:《祁克果語錄 III體驗篇》


書名:祁克果語錄 III體驗篇


絕望是死病:絕望是心靈之病,是自我之病。因此,它可能採行三種形式:未曾意識到擁有自我的絕望 (不應稱它為絕望的絕望);不欲成為自己的絕望;欲成為自己的絕望。



想想:一個人能在一瞬間内,為他的性格保有一段空白,或嚴格的說,一個人能打斷、並促使個人生命過程的中止,這乃是一種妄想。在一個人作選擇之前,性格業已對選擇產生了興趣。而,當選擇有所遲延時,性格就會作無意識地選擇;要不然,在它裡面諸暗昧不明的勢力就會作出選擇。所以,到了最後,一作出選擇之時,一個人就會發現 (除非,如我以前所評論的,性格已完全地揮發),有某種東西必須再度被完成,某種東西必須被廢止;而,這經常是很困難的。……


直接的愛,包涵著具有美麗幻想形式的永恆性;不過,它卻不是有意要奠基在永恆 () 上。因此,它就會被「改變」。即使不改變,但由於憑賴著好運氣,它就一直會保有變化的可能性。不過,如果運氣會改變,則幸福也同樣會改變——這個幸福,是在我們一想到永恆,若欠缺哀愁,便無法被考慮到的東西——;那麽,它就像帶有一股令人打顫的諺語:「幸福在它已『形成』時,它就『存在』了」。
Therefore this spontaneous love has, in the sense of the beautiful imagination, the eternal in itself, but it is not consciously grounded upon the eternal and thus it can be changed. Even if it was not changed, it still can be changed, because it is indeed good fortune, but what is true of happiness is true of good fortune, which, when one thinks of the eternal, cannot be thought of without sadness, just as "Happiness is when it has been" is said with a shudder. That is to say, as long as it lasted or existed a change was possible; not until it is past can we say that it lasted. "Count no man happy as long as he is living.” As long as he is living, his fortune can change; not until he is dead and fortune has not left him while he lived, not until then is it manifest that he-has been happy. That which merely exists, which has undergone no change, continually has change outside itself; it can continually supervene, even in the last moment it can happen, and not until life has come to an end can we say: Change did not take place-or perhaps it did. Whatever has undergone no change certainly has existence, but it does not have enduring continuance; insofar as it has existence, it is; but insofar as it has not gained enduring continuance amid change it cannot become contemporary with itself and in that case is either happily ignorant of this misrelation or is disposed to sadness. Only the eternal can be and become and remain contemporary with every age…

在根底上,愛是不斷的燃燒;不過,這種火焰,卻是屬於恨。僅當愛被燒盡,恨的火焰也才會止熄。曾如有關舌頭的傳言:「祝福與咒詛,同時由口中發出」;所以,我們也必須說:愛與恨 (),是同樣的愛。不過,正因為它是相同的愛,因而,在永恆的意義上,它便不是真愛。真愛能「一直保持相同而不改變」,而直接的愛,如果「它已被改變」,它骨子裡依然是「一樣的」。靠著變成責任,而進行永恆改變的真愛,是絕不改變的;它很簡單,它會愛——而絕不恨,絕不恨——所愛者。
Spontaneous love can be changed within itself; it can be changed into its opposite, into hate. Hate is a love that has become its opposite, a love that has perished [gaae til Grunde]. Down in the ground [i Grunden] the love is continually aflame, but it is the flame of hate; not until the love has burned out is the flame of hate also put out. Just as it is said of the tongue that "it is the same tongue with which we bless and curse,” so it may also be said that it is the same love that loves and hates. But just because it is the same love, for that very reason it is not in the eternal sense the true love, which remains, unchanged, the same, whereas that spontaneous love, when it is changed, is still basically the same. True love, which has undergone the change of eternity by becoming duty, is never changed; it is simple, it loves and never hates, never hates-the beloved. It might seem as if that spontaneous love were the stronger because it can do two things, because it can both love and hate. It might seem as if it had an entirely different power over its object when it says, "If you will not love me, then I will hate you"-but this is only an illusion. Is changingness indeed a stronger power than changelessness, and who is the stronger, the one who says, "If you will not love me, then I will hate you," or the one who says, "If you hate me, I will still continue to love you"? Certainly it is terrifying and terrible when love is changed into hate, but for whom is it actually terrible? I wonder if it is not for the one involved, the person to whom it happened that his love changed into hate!

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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