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【書摘】女逃亡者—阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 11
2021/02/27 04:17:23瀏覽367|回應1|推薦5
【書摘】女逃亡者阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 11
Une femme qui ne pouvait plus éprouver de plaisirs avec d’autres n’aurait plus dû exciter ma jalousie, si seulement ma tendresse avait pu se mettre à jour. Mais c’est ce qui était impossible puisqu’elle ne pouvait trouver son objet, Albertine, que dans des souvenirs où celle-ci était vivante. Puisque, rien qu’en pensant à elle, je la ressuscitais, ses trahisons ne pouvaient jamais être celles d’une mortei; l’instant où elle les avait commises devenant l’instant actuel, non pas seulement pour Albertine, mais pour celui de mes « moi » subitement évoqué qui la contemplait. De sorte qu’aucun anachronisme ne pouvait jamais séparer le couple indissoluble où, à chaque coupable nouvelle, s’appariait aussitôt un jaloux lamentable et toujours contemporain.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.76~77 追憶似水年華 VI 女逃亡者 聯經版 1992)

A woman who could no longer taste any pleasure with other people ought not any longer to have excited my jealousy, if only my affection had been able to come to the surface. But this was just what was impossible, since it could not find its object, Albertine, save among memories in which she was still alive. Since, merely by thinking of her, I brought her back to life, her infidelities could never be those of a dead woman; the moments at which she had been guilty of them became the present moment, not only for Albertine, but for that one of my various selves who was thinking of her. So that no anachronism could ever separate the indissoluble couple, in which, to each fresh culprit, was immediately mated a jealous lover, pitiable and always contemporaneous.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

A woman no longer capable of experiencing pleasure with other women should no longer have excited my jealousy, if only I could have brought my affections up to date. But this was impossible, because they could locate their object, Albertine, only in memories where she still lived on. Since at any moment when I thought of her, I resuscitated her, her infidelities could never be those of a dead woman, for the moment when she had committed them became the present moment, not only for Albertine but also for whichever of my selves was suddenly enlisted to contemplate her. So that no anachronism could ever separate the indissoluble couple where each new guilty woman was immediately matched with a woeful, jealous, but always contemporaneous, lover.
(Translated by Peter Collier)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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2021/03/02 02:38


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