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【書摘】女逃亡者—阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 7
2021/02/23 04:43:21瀏覽446|回應0|推薦13
【書摘】女逃亡者阿爾貝蒂娜之死 (Albertine’s death) 7
De sorte que ces quelques années n’imposaient pas seulement au souvenir d’Albertine, qui les rendait si douloureuses, la couleur successive, les modalités différentes de leurs saisons ou de leurs heures, des fins d’après-midi de juin aux soirs d’hiver, des clairs de lune sur la mer à l’aube en rentrant à la maison, de la neige de Paris aux feuilles mortes de Saint-Cloud, mais encore de l’idée particulière que je me faisais successivement d’Albertine, de l’aspect physique sous lequel je me la représentais à chacun de ces moments, de la fréquence plus ou moins grande avec laquelle je la voyais cette saison-là, laquelle s’en trouvait comme plus dispersée ou plus compacte, des anxiétés qu’elle avait pu m’y causer par l’attente, du désir que j’avais à tel moment pour elle, d’espoirs formés, puis perdusi; tout cela modifiait le caractère de ma tristesse rétrospective tout autant que les impressions de lumière ou de parfums qui lui étaient associées, et complétait chacune des années solaires que j’avais vécues.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

追憶似水年華 VI 女逃亡者 聯經版 1992)

With the result that these several years imposed upon my memory of Albertine, which made them so painful, the successive colouring, the different modulations not only of their seasons or of their hours, from late afternoons in June to winter evenings, from seas by moonlight to dawn that broke as I was on my way home, from snow in Paris to fallen leaves at Saint-Cloud, but also of each of the particular ideas of Albertine that I successively formed, of the physical aspect in which I pictured her at each of those moments, the degree of frequency with which I had seen her during that season, which itself appeared consequently more or less dispersed or compact, the anxieties which she might have caused me by keeping me waiting, the desire which I had felt at a given moment for her, the hopes formed and then blasted; all of these modified the character of my retrospective sorrow fully as much as the impressions of light or of scents which were associated with it, and completed each of the solar years through which I had lived.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

In this way these few years not only imposed upon the memory of Albertine, which made them so unhappy, the changing colours, varying modalities and dying embers of their seasons and their hours, from their late June afternoons to their winter evenings, from moonlight over the sea to dawn on returning home, from snow in Paris to autumn leaves at Saint-Cloud, but also transformed the particular ideas that I had successively formed of Albertine, of the physical appearance with which I pictured her at each of these moments, and of the greater or lesser frequency with which I saw her in any particular season, making the season itself seem more or less diffuse or concentrated, of the hours of anxious waiting that she had provoked, of the desire that I felt for her at certain moments, of hopes nourished and then lost; all this modified the nature of my retrospective sadness just as much as the impressions of light and scent which were associated with it, and complemented each of the solar years......
(Translated by Peter Collier)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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