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我們住在加拿大, 因為我們是稀有品種, We're a rare breed, The reason to live in Canada
2013/10/26 15:48:21瀏覽360|回應0|推薦0

ㄧ位加國友人寄來ㄧ篇很幽默的文章,簡短的幾句話描繪出加國各省的特色,十分傳神!最後還不忘幽自己ㄧ默: 我們是稀有品種!轉載如下,博君一笑,也可娛樂中習新知:


1. Vancouver : 1.5 million people and two bridges. You do the math. 溫哥華: 一個ㄧ百五十萬人口的省份,卻只有兩座橋。你用算術算一算就知道不夠嘛!

2. Your $400,000 Vancouver home is just 5 hours from downtown.
3. You can throw a rock and hit three Starbucks locations. 你丟ㄧ個石子, 就可砸中三家Starbucks咖啡店!
4. Theres always some sort of deforestation protest going on. 總是有些保護融冰等綠色活動.
5. Weed. 菸草氾濫


   1. Big rock between you and B.C. 大岩石洛磯山脈, 擋在你和英屬哥倫比亞省間。
   2. Ottawa who? 渥太華, 哪一位?
   3. Tax is 5% instead of the approximately 200% it is for the rest of the country. 這個省份只需繳5%稅,加國其它地方卻得繳200%的稅。(阿省是加國稅率最低的省分)
   4. You can exploit almost any natural resource you can think of. 任何你能想得到的礦產,這裡都有。
   5. You live in the only province that could actually afford to be its own country. 你住在一個可養活全加拿大人的省分。
   6. The Americans below you are all in anti-government militia groups.
住在你樓下的美國人, 全是反政府的民軍。


1. You never run out of wheat. 你永不缺小麥。
2. Your province is really easy to draw. 這個省份真容易畫。
3. You can watch the dog run away from home for hours. 你可看到跑離家數小時的狗。(因為這個省是一望無際的平原)
4. People will assume you live on a farm. 人們都認為你住在農場。(沙省是加國最平的農業省分)


   1. You wake up one morning to find that you suddenly have a beachfront property. 一早醒來,你會發現你就住在海邊別墅。
   2. Hundreds of huge, horribly frigid lakes. 數以百計的巨大且極寒冷的湖泊。
   3. Nothing compares to a wicked Winnipeg winter. 沒有任何其他地方的冬天會比曼尼托巴省省會溫尼伯克的冬天更惡劣奇特了。
   4. You can be an Easterner or a Westerner depending on your mood. 你可以是東部人, 也可是西部人, 完全看心情而定。
   5. You can pass the time watching trucks and barns float by. 卡車,穀倉不斷擦身飛過, 你可以看著它們消磨時光。

    安大略省 ONTARIO 

1. You live in the centre of the universe. 你住在宇宙的中心。
2. Your $400,000 Toronto home is actually a dump. 你在多倫多四十萬加幣的房子,只是個普通難看小屋。
3. You and you alone decide who will win the federal election. 你, 自己一人, 就可決定谁能贏得聯邦選舉。 (多省一省即有超過三分之一的國會席次! )
4. The only province with hard-core American-style crime. 唯一美國式犯罪中心的省分。

魁北克省 QUEBEC 

1. Racism is socially acceptable。這個社會是可以接受種族主義是的。
2. You can take bets with your friends on which English neighbour will move out next. 你可和朋友打賭,賭哪個英國鄰居,馬上就又會搬離。(𣁽省以法語為主)
3. Other provinces basically bribe you to stay in Canada. 加國其它省份都要賄絡魁北克省留在加拿大。
4. You can blame all your problems on the Anglo *#!%! 你可以把所有問題都怪罪到: 英裔或英語*#!%!…..”上。


1. One way or another, the government gets 98% of your income. 不管用甚麼方法, 政府總是從你收入中獲得98%。
2. Youre poor, but not as poor as the Newfies. 你窮,但沒北邊扭芬蘭人窮。
3. No one ever blames anything on New Brunswick . 沒人會責罵你們任何事。
4. Everybody has a grandfather who runs a lighthouse. 每個人都有個經營燈塔的祖父。


    1. Everyone can play the fiddle. The ones who cant, think they can. 每個人都會彈提琴, 即使你不會, 你也認為你會。

   2. You can pretend to have Scottish heritage as an excuse to get drunk and wear a kilt. 你可以裝著你有蘇格蘭傳統為藉口, 醉酒、穿蘇格蘭裙。

   3. You are the only reason Anne Murray makes money. 因為你,歌手Anne Murray 賺了很多錢。


   1. Even though more people live on Newfoundland Island, you still got the big, new bridge. 雖然很多人都住在紐芬蘭,但本島還是得到一座大又新的橋。
   2. You can walk across the province in half an hour. 走路只要半小時,你就可穿越這個省分,到達另一省份。
   3. You can drive across the province in two minutes. 開車兩分鐘, 你就就穿越本省,到達另一省份。
   4. Everyone has been an extra on Road to Avonlea. 每個人都曾走過頭,到 Road to Avonlea. 去 。
   5. This is where all those tiny, red potatoes come from. 這裡是所有小紅馬鈴薯的出產地!
   6. You can confuse ships by turning your porch lights on and off at night. 你只要在夜間打開手中的手電筒, 就可能使海上船隻迷航!

     紐芬蘭省 NEWFOUNDLAND  

1. If Quebec separates, you will float off to sea. 假如魁北克要求獨立, 加拿大就將會是個漂浮在海面上的國家了。
2. If you do something stupid, you have a built-in excuse. 如果你們做了些蠢事, 總是有藉口!
3. The workday is about two hours long. 本省每日工作時間,大概只有兩小時。
4. It is socially acceptable to wear your hip waders to your wedding. 即使你穿著及臀防水長靴參加婚禮,也是被社會接受的。

Pass this along to Canadians who need a laugh and foreigners who can learn something about Canada and then laugh. 

      Lets face it, were a rare breed.


p.s. 地圖取自網路
( 在地生活北美 )
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