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雪雁南飛 Snow Geese Going South
2013/10/31 18:32:05瀏覽162|回應0|推薦2

每年, 阿拉斯加及其附近加拿大北邊的雪雁” (Snow Geese), 會南飛到加北新芬蘭省過冬.十一月,是它們南飛的巔峰期!

朋友今年特別驅車前往觀賞. 他們夫婦很高興的捕捉到了這些雪雁的蹤影, 嘆為觀止,集佳作與朋友共享. 轉載於此, 讓大家也一起欣賞這個難得的美景:

Hi All,

Snow geese are back! Therese and I took the advantage of beautiful autumn day last Sunday to drive about 130 miles east to Bombay Hook NWF, Delaware to see the snow geese. According to the Refuge’s wildlife calendar posted on their website the migration of snow geese from Alaska/Northern Canada peaks in November. We saw the snow geese in this NWF and Blackwater NWF near Cambridge , MD in January and February last year but never tried to come in November. We arrived Bombay Hook around 11:00 am and were pleasantly surprised to see thousands of snow geese in one of the Refuge’s pools as more and more flocks flying in to join them. It was really a beautiful sight to see these birds landing on the water and then, all the sudden, all of them in thousands taking off to fill the sky and then landing back in the water. What a performance for us! Of course I was really busy clicking away with my camera. Here are a few to share with you. ----- Stephen

每年十一月, 天氣寒冷, 高爾夫球季即將結束時, 或球季剛開始時, 四月份, 仍寒凍時, 我到球場打球, 到處都可見雪雁和雪雁的糞便.

曾寫過一篇 雁南飛

2008/12/04 12:23
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