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2017/03/08 17:44:50瀏覽215|回應0|推薦3

A professor from Fudan University of Shanghai once said he found his IQ had lowered a little after having stayed at Taiwan for a month or so.  What had made him feel that way?  Because Taiwan's TV news inundated him with so many trivial things that bothered him all the time when he turned TV on. (Obviously he didn't come Taiwan for studying amusements; he came here for studying the status of Taiwan's politics, economics, and society.)  But our TV news totally eluded him.

I've been back to Taiwan for three weeks, and I found most part of TV news are still fraught with same old trashes just like before: traffic accidents(including fender-benders), tabloids, murders, bickerings, or something related to "small but positive happiness" and "little freshness", over and over all day long.  How could citizens living in this atmosphere of deviant behavior have a sound and introspective mind?  The collectively paralysed and petrified mindset of the society will only lead the island to a latent but slow destruction in the end.

I don't know, but maybe administrations intended to let TV stations do this way. If it were so, no wonder the last thing Taiwan wants to do, like I've always said, is to let CCTV and Phonex TV in.   

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