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2017/03/05 13:22:57瀏覽266|回應0|推薦1

During 1927 through 1949, Nanjing was Nationalist Chinas capital, even under quisling regime of Wang between 1937 and 1945.  There must have had things that stand as the remaining relics pertaining to that period of time.  There you go: 

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum on Purple Mountain: last time when I came to visit it at the period of holidays of First Day of October 2012, there were nothing I could see but drones of tourists.  This time my brother-in-law had footache and couldnt he climb up along the long steps to the mausoleum, so we gave it up.  (We then visited the adjacent Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum instead.)  Downward we went to Meiling Palace, a mansion nicknamed for Gimo and Madame Chiang Kai-sheks residence in Nanjing, now has been a well-perserved attraction for tourists. 

Presidential Hall:  This was the second time that I visited the place that had been administration center for former governors office in Qing Dynasty and the palace of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.  Well, everything is the same as that of five years ago when I first visited there, except that actor who is exactly like Chiang Kai-shek standing in front of the entrance.  He is gone. 

Nanjing University at Gulou: Nanjing University, which was National Central University in Nationalist era, had been diversified into several independent universities and colleges, and its Gulou campus was the former site of Jinling Girls University, being full of classical simplicity with nostalgia of those days. 

Yihe Alley:  a refurbished residential complex queitly located somewhere near Nanjing University.  The complex was the accommodations for Nationalists bureaucrats, and now some of those two-storied houses are still occupied, while others are open to the public as cafes and restaurants.

The "relics" of Nationalists era that still affect the daily lives of Nanjing inhabitants are those widely planted French Phonix trees(platanus).  The tall, shady trees has become one of the typical feature of Nanjing landscape, but when they are in the season of defoliation, the tiny fallen leaves would shut the eyes of pedistrians and motorists beneath them. 


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