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2024/03/16 11:24:19瀏覽349|回應0|推薦10

The Lin Mansion was the "hotel" where we stayed the night we were in Gu Lang Yu. The mansion was originally built by the Lin family, known by its enterprise name Lin Ben Yuan (林本源), from Banqiao, Taiwan. The Lin family used to be the biggest landlords and most successful businessmen in Taiwan. In 1895, when China under the Qin Dynasty lost the Jiawu War, Taiwan was ceded to Japan, and the Lin family, who was reluctant to be colonists under Japanese rule, moved to Gu Lang Yu.

In 1913, the Lin family, under Lin Erjia (林爾嘉), started to build this baroque-styled, five-story villa. Because of its octagon walls, the building complex of the villa, Lin Mansion, was known as Ba Jiao Lou (八角樓) on the island. I am not sure if the Lin family still owns the right to use the mansion; anyway, it is one of the best hotels on the island and a must-see attraction as well. 

It is said the facade of the mansion faces Taiwan. 

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