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2017/03/04 01:24:20瀏覽407|回應0|推薦9

The subject attraction is not only a time-honored heritage of medieval era, but also one of the scenic spots built by modern China.  Although the tumult thoroughout centuries wrought havoc to all of the original Buddhist temples and pagodas there, they have been all refurbished since 21st century.  Due to the cold and damp day we were visiting, so we could only pick one sight to see: the newly inaugurated Palace of Buddha Top(佛頂宮).  Famous of retaining sacred relics, the splendid "palace" is built with a dome on top and several levels going downward to the bottom, where is previously a huge, deep but deserted mine pit.  If I am not exagerating, I think the palace could match for that Spanish Basilica of the Sagrada Familia (Please see my writing at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/51951704 ); anyway, its only two years old, someday, somehow it could.

From the palace, and the architectural complex in 牛首山, you can see how has China government exerted emphatic efforts on preserving her heritages and engaging in archaeological work.  Good for you, China.   



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