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"中國擺脱無芯之痛, 任正非雷軍堪稱民族英雄!"
2017/03/07 14:06:09瀏覽206|回應0|推薦4

I don't know much about smart phones.  Besides their fundamental usage as being a mobile phone, receiving and sending text messages(including LINE), and looking up vocabuaries in the dictionary, I seldom set my foot in other kinds of function at my phone.  (I get all of the information I need from my laptop or IPad at home.)  I also hate to see people in modern societies are "playing" with that samrt gadget anytime, anywhere, but the reality is they are unable to wean themselves off that kind of "addiction" any longer, especially in China's Mainland where in the majority of urban areas cellphones have become inseparable part of daily life.  However, until recently the chips, "heart of cellphone" for China's brands are still relying on foreign imports.  Yet someone has tried very hard to make a change about the situation.  Please see the report attached below at: http://www.toutiao.com/a6392079884042223874/.

FYI, my first smart phone was a HTC, now is a Xiaomi, and Huawei will be my next choice in nearest future. 

P.S. I just heard Premier Li Keqiang announced during dual sessions that China's Mainland will eliminate long distance and roaming surcharge in 2017, then the country's top three telecom carriers said Monday that they would follow the instruction as effective from October 1.  Oh my gosh, no surcharges will be levied all over whole China!  I have no idea but will Taiwan do within the island?

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