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2017/03/01 18:32:28瀏覽346|回應0|推薦6

Librairie Avant-Garde(先鋒書店) is a chain bookstore in Nanjing. (avant-garde is generally translated into 前衛 in Taiwan, meaning new and shockingly modern idea in art, music, or literature.)  Some reports extol it as (one of) the most beautiful bookstores in China. 

I visited one of the stores which hides itself under a deserted underground parking garage (or a bomb shelter) not faraway from Nanjing University.  (FYI, the founder of the store is an alumnus, or an alumna, of the university.)  The store sells all kinds of readers concerning philosphy, history, literature, and modern thoughts, but not anything related to stocks, health care, tabloid, trivial and canard matters, and the like.  Well, I have a little surprise to find there is such a bookstore like 先鋒書店 in Mainland. 

I bought two English-Chinese novels that Ive been longing to read them all the time: "Pride and Prejudice" and "Wuthering Heights".  I do wish I could have time to do the "task"; maybe with the help of their Chinese rederings and explanatory notes, I could make my wish come true.   

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