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2017/02/28 21:18:48瀏覽370|回應0|推薦4

Nanjing, aka the "Stone City", is long renowned for her grand and time-honored walls.  I was lucky to have stayed for first five day at the hotel just in front of Lake Xuanwu, where is surrouned partly with walls, and the last day I move to a hotel renovated from ancient "Reading Rooms" near River Qinhuai, where is the moat to southern walls of Nanjing.

Lake Xuanwu is nestled snugly at the foot of hills for three directions, so there is only one direction that needs walls as the demarcation between the lake and the outside.  I climbed up to the walk on top and strolled along to take a birds view on the vast, beautiful lake beneath my feet.  I completed my strolling entirely on the walk; and from the time and the steps that I consumed, I estimated the length of the wall is about 3K.  (The perimeter of the lake is about 10K, five times as long as that Dahu Park in my neighborhood.)

In the morning of my last day at Nanjing, I visited the southern walls which are adjacent to that famous River Qinhaui.  Due to the limited schedule, this time I didnt walk on the wall; instead, I only visited that Zhong Hua Gate, renowned for its sophisticated design in medieval times.  Regretfully; however, it didnt withstand the overwhelming attack from Japan and became the first breakthrough of Japanses troop into Nanjing during the defence battle of the capital in 1937, an indelible humiliation for all Chinese people.     



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