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2017/02/27 18:48:15瀏覽464|回應1|推薦5

Just like a China in miniature, Nanjing has gained progress in leaps and bounds since the first time I visited there nearly five years ago.  According to some report, Nanjing is now among 15 other neo-first-tier cities in China to emulate the Big Four---Bejing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzun.  So the status "neo-first-tier" means somewhere between tier one and tier two.  Lets see the standard of living for the people of Nanjing.

Nanjing has surpassed city of Taipei in municipal infrastrature and amenities, let alone her historical and cultural heritages.  The fares of public transportation like bus, subway, and taxi are all about two third of those at Taipei; while a relative of my wifes told me the entry-level salary of the average college graduates is at least RMB4,000, which equals TWD20,000, is also about two third of, or higher than, their counterparts in Taipei.  Therefore, we could boldly assume that people of Nanjing enjoy the same standard of living as people of Taipei now, or even better.  (The legendary QR code application really amazed me:  every stallholders, no matter how small they are, have that magic payment system available; otherwise they wont have business any more.  Well, I came, I saw, I believed.  More information: I went to a famous chain store, 南京大牌檔, or food courts in Taipei, then I realized that I could pick everything I wanted from different stores with only one bill to check out.  Oh my goodness!  I was really a yokel in town.)  In short, I saw a countenance of prospect, not bleakness, evinced on the faces of people on streets, like the people of Taipei in 70s. 

Nanjing has been much cleaner than the days of five years ago.  Almost no noticeable trashes can be found on the streets, and trash cans are everywhere to see.  But the comity and patience are still lacking for both drivers and pedestrians in motion; anyway, it takes time and education for the people living in a populous city of 800 million inhabitants.  (I think the remarkable progress in hardwares has left much room for software to catch up in short time.)          

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/02/28 18:39
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-02-28 21:27 回覆:
No, my father-in-law was from Hubei Province, but my wife was born at Nanjing. This time we, my wife, her brother and his wife, and me, came to visit her last aunt who is still alive in Mainland.