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2017/02/16 18:05:03瀏覽205|回應0|推薦2

Unless your body has a golden ratio and your are always keeping your figure as beautiful as a mannequin of your size, or you are as rich as some celebrities who are always wearing tailor-made dresses, more or less you will need some alteration on the clothes purchased from stores.

When back to home at Taipei, suddenly I found the only trousers suitable for me was the blue jeans I was wearing on: I left all others in San Francisco.  Don't I have others available at Taipei.  No, I don't, for I've gained a lot wight since I retired.  So regardless of the drowsiness out of jet lag, still I had to buy some new ones at once.  Last evening I went to a dress store in my neighborhood to buy two pairs of trousers; needless to say, the trouser legs are alawys too long to almost every customer, and needed to be cut extra parts off as to fit the buyers' legs. 

But you know, my legs are shorter than average males of my height(my arms too, don't laugh at me), so every time when in-house tailors(actually clerks) measure the length of my legs I always tell them of my body "traits".  I guess they all have a bias that what the average leg length of my height should always be, and so they stand pat, for never has a alteration met my expectation.

"Customers are always right.", dear tailors, please make it the axiom of yours. 


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