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Why crazy about cherry blossoms?
2017/02/15 18:01:29瀏覽209|回應0|推薦4

Certainly the grievous tour bus accident this time has little to do with the purpose of the tour---a viewing on cherry blossoms.  The accident could have happened any time, any place because of drivers' fatigue, speeding, agressiveness, or road and vehicle condition.  Still I have to ask why islanders are so crazy about cherry blossoms, for its beauty or short life span? 

I may be a little paranoid, but just like I said it somewhere in my blog that the phenomenon is one of the vestiges pertaining to Japanese colonial regime, which has become a strong sentiment in favor of the mental recognition clinging to things of Japan.  An erstwhile colleague of mine once told me that she and her families repaired to Japan to see cherry blossoms every year, that would consume almost all of her annual leaves.  I said why cherry blossoms all the time?  Why not the azalea in March on the island, or the peonies in May at Luoyang?  She replied to me with a nasty answer, "Japan is my first choice, then others', but no China." 

By the way, always remember "fools rush in where angels fear to tread".  A  crowded mecca or any place is basically a potential threat to your life. 


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