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Rote Learning
2017/02/17 09:45:36瀏覽179|回應0|推薦3

Recently one of the hottest topics in China's Mainland had been the academic TV show "中國詩詞大會".  The show amazed general public how come those participants are so capable of memorizing such a huge volume in Chinese poem and are so well kept the poem in their mind that could be gotten ready without effort during keen competition.  Well, The answer may lie in the solo talk show narrated by Lao Liang(老梁) which is attached below at http://www.toutiao.com/a6384674225935876610/

In short, memorize the poem as many as you can while you are still young, and wait until you've grown up to fully comprehend and appreciate the conceptual beauty that the poem are trying to convey.  It's the so-called 童子功, and it can be also best described with:  




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