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First freight train from China to UK
2017/01/21 10:00:06瀏覽317|回應1|推薦9

Ever since Englishman George Stephenson built the first steam locomotive in 1814, world's public transpotation for passengers and freights have been utterly changed.  The invention also marked the forthcoming industrial era, and only after 26 years subsequent to the significant event, the industrial Britain trounced rural Qing Empire in first Opium War, and opened up China's door to western world, through a series of humiliation and misery that imposed upon Chinese people.

After 203 year since the first locomotive invented, a China's freight train, loading as full as 34 cabins, traveling as far as 12,451 km, and changing rails as many as three times, sucessfully traversed Euro-Asian continent from Yiwu, Province of Zhejiang, China to London, UK on January 18, 2017 in 18 days.  Report said there were 2.3 million British people watched the train coming to its last terminal online, on live telecast, or on the spot.  If Opium War was the one Britian having recourse to arm forces on China to do the business with it(though the major commodity was that notorious opium), this time China used her holistic power to do business with other countries in peaceful ways.  What the vicissitudes of nations' rise and fall have been! 

Yiwu is located not far away from Taiwan.  Dear islanders, don't be afraid of being ridicured as jumping on the Chinese bandwagon, for it's a life-and-death matter for you to join this modern Silk Road, and make it quick.        


义乌→伦敦 270万英国人围观中国列车 

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reaizuguo*😻 忠言
2017/01/22 01:15
Are you using DPP's tongyong pinyin?    懷疑
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-01-22 02:53 回覆:
It should be Zhejiang instead of given. Thanks for your correcting me again!