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The Silhouettes
2017/01/16 07:35:19瀏覽177|回應0|推薦3

My granddaughter had her second birthday party the other day.  Needless to say, she'd got a lot of presents from her parents, grandparents, and other relatives.  Among the presents, the silhouette of her image is most impressive to me.  That is the second silhouette of her, and the first one was made in her first birthday, obviously.

Silhouette now is kind of a artistic work made mostly to show a person's one-sided facial image in dark color(usually black) with light backlight(usually white).  The artists create their works according to the photos, portraits, or real presence face-to-face to outline the objects' lineaments without capturing detailed facial features, and then plus artists' imagination.  (I've never seen my granddaughter wearing a ponytail, but the silhouette tells she is.)

Keep the silhouette in good custody, my little daring.  Someday when you grows up, they will be one of the most memorable things among your souvenirs. 



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