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A Spring Couplet for 2017
2017/01/01 07:12:10瀏覽275|回應0|推薦6

It's been early morning of the first day of 2017 in Taiwan,  but right now is still new year eve here in San Francisco.  Happy New Year to all my friends in Taiwan; I sincerely wish you guys a propitious and a quiet 2017 in the island. 

Well, I just found a complete farce that was related to the official spring couplet issued by "Presidential Hall" to celebrate the new year at http://www.guancha.cn/local/2016_12_31_387127.shtml which is self-explanatory to you. 

I don't want to talk about the provenance nor the usuage of subject couplet, all I want to say is since DPP administration has been working hard to carry out its policy of de-China, trying to remove all Chinese elements from its "Taiwanese culture", why is it bothering to adopt a pure Chinese way to celebrate the new year?  It could use "Taiwanese language" which is coined in Roman letters to deliver a congratulatory speech, or simply hire Hallmark to make some greeting cards in English, but not in a form of Chinese couplet.

P.S.  Please also refer to my previous posting "Chinese Couplets: 100個對偶句" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/69971768.  Thanks, and again Happy New Year.    

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