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A pretentious sense of pride
2016/12/20 14:36:40瀏覽760|回應0|推薦4

As I said in my previous writing that Ms. Long tried to create a "new culture" for Taiwan when she was the minister of Ministry of Culture.  Deep down, she deemed Taiwan is more "civilized" than Mainland according to the "level" of civilization, so she wanted to create a better, unique "culture" for Taiwan as to distinguish Taiwan from China's Mainland.  But how could she make such a "creation" realized without having recourse to traditional Chinese culture?  The job had failed her.  All she could do was to help Taiwan be more imbued with an ambience of that narrow-minded, self-complacent "little but positive happiness".  Still, with a pretentious sense of pride, Ms. Long and most islanders think Taiwan is superior than Mainland, with her own aspect of "civilization".

Under such a mental background, she delivered a speech in University of Hong Kong the other day, and her words aroused a little echo from the audience and netizens online.  Here is one of the reports: "龍應台,你到底想要掩飾什麼" at http://www.toutiao.com/a6365831153559339265/, and you can surf to find many more if you are interested in what she'd said.

P.S. I must admit Ms. Long's Chinese writing is pretty good.  I did translate one of her essays "另一種背影"(or 目送, I am not sure) at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7140167


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