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2016/12/16 09:14:19瀏覽325|回應0|推薦8

Is that Jap incumbent emperor born at December 13?  Then why there is always a banquet of "rapport" held in Taipei on that day every year?  Please see a report of 南京大屠杀公祭日 台湾当局高官竟宣扬“台日亲善” at http://www.guancha.cn/local/2016_12_15_384418.shtml.  All I can say is what else can we further say it on such a shameless act displayed by Taiwan?

Nothing we can say, actually, except doing something.  If you guys surf on Mainland's websites often, you can find there are more and more callings for Wutong(武統); I believe CCP, as well as China's arm forces, must have confronted heavy pressure from public opinion.  The good news is PLA has never had any record of killing prisoners and civilians in the war, but they would fight ruthlessly in the battles.  Therefore, suppose a war across the strait breaks out, the smart move for people of Taiwan to save their lives is to overthrow DPP government and surrender themselves to PLA. 

P.S. FYI, when PLA took Shanghai in 1949, my father, then a KMT lieutenant colonel, was captured as a POW.  During three months' detention in prisoners' camp, all KMT POWs were fairly treated but well "educated".  My father said that on the day when they were released, a sycophantic guy chanted "Long live Chairman Mao".  The result?  That guy became the only one who stayed put.  BTW, my father was captured not because he didn't fight; instead, it was due to the overall collapse of KMT front because its commander-in-chief Gen. Tang, Chiang's blue-eyed boy, deserted his troop and run away in the first place.  


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