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"Proudly Made in The USA by U.S. Workers!"
2016/12/07 03:44:33瀏覽213|回應0|推薦1

I've got problem in winter days: cold hands.  So my wife shopped online and helped find me a product, small bags wrapped with iron power inside that can create heat after shaking them well, and the effect of warmth can last for ten hours.  Okay, when I shook the bag, I noticed there are some words, in addition to its trade mark, on the warpping cloth: "Proudly Made in The USA by U.S. Workers!"

I don't know why does the manufacturer print those wordy but patriotic words, instead of simply "Made in USA".  All I do know is there are fewer and fewer US products found on the shelves in stores everyday.  Now America is hell-bent on maintaining the predominance by dint of its supremacy of Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and military might to prevent its greenback from becoming worthless paper.  But fewer and fewer products made by US workers means lesser and lesser job opportunities left for ordinary people, and that will further widen the gap between rich and poor for sure.  Obviously such a condition is not sustainable.  I think that's one of the reasons that Donald Trump wants to get the lost jobs back so as to "make America great again".  (But don't forget America has its last recourse: the almighty agricultural system.  At least Americans won't die of hunger.) 

Now China is the only country in the world that boasts of all industrial items  categorized by UN.  Only when products that "made in China" are everywhere in the world, as well as at home, will she become the real number one. 


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