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Who is the true believer of Dr Sun Yat-sen's doctrine
2016/11/13 08:05:12瀏覽242|回應1|推薦4

CCP or KMT?  The answer is quite apparent.

Since China's Mainland commemorated Sun's 150th birthday with high profile yesterday, KMT promptly announced it is Nationalist Party of China the unique and genuine successor of Dr Sun, no one else.  (Please also refer to my last posting.) 

Is that true?  Obviously not.  The first item of Sun's "Three Principles of People" is nationalism, but now KMT has been a party fraught with that pathetic mindset of Dutai, a latent resistence to China's unification, an even more poisonous one than that of DPP's Taidu.  How can a party disobeying its founding father's will be a real successor?  Therefore, KMT is absolutely disqualified.  Let's see the history.  En route to the triumph of Great Revolution, Chiang collaborated with imperialists and local capitalists in cruelly eradicating their communist partners, as well as purging many a KMT leftist, in that notorious 412 revolt against orthodoxical Nationalist Party in 1927.  It was Chiang that betrayed the Revolution and Dr Sun's will, but CCP had never compromised with private capitalists and foreign imperialists on national interests.

Now let's see did CCP build up a new China after 1949 by carrying out the plans in Sun's blueprint?  Yes, she did.  Harbors, highways, railroads, dams, and a lot more, everything you just name it.  More importantly, China's Mainland acquired all those remarkable accomplishments, up from nothing, all in her own right, without exploiting others or being exploited.

Who is the true believer?  You make the call. 

P.S. I just heard that KMT chairwoman Ms. Hong Xiuzhu said KMT should introspect itself when she was asked to express her opinion on subject issue.  I am glad to hear what she said.                 

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2016/11/13 11:51
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-11-13 12:02 回覆:
That was why a professor reluctant to evaluate "西山會議派" in classroom when I was in college.