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"只有最愚蠢的人,才會認為美國代表了人類主流文明" (轉載)
2024/07/13 05:31:29瀏覽176|回應0|推薦12

The author said he was a little emotional when he wrote this essay. We readers should review what he said in an objective stance.

只有最愚蠢的人,才会认为美国代表了人类主流文明_风闻 (guancha.cn) 

PS. When I was a high school student,  the next-door neighbor to our school was the US Information Agency. But I did not visit it often, albeit there was a reading room, full of "civilized" American magazines and books that were attractive to the youngsters. For I knew the stuff was an invisible American "cultural infiltration" to the people of other countries.   

Instead, the place I most often visited after school was those stalls of preowned books on Guling Street.  

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