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40th anniversary of Chairman Mao's death
2016/09/11 01:43:52瀏覽288|回應2|推薦8

Yesterday, September 09, is the 40th anniversary of Chairman Mao's death.  I still remember the headline appeared on Taiwan's newspapers the next day of that date 40 years ago, in which Mao was addressed as "bandit".  No wonder was that because Mao's image had long been smeared by Chiang regime in Taiwan.  The ordinary islanders were told, or brainwashed, to believe that there had been millions of people died from various movements during the era of Mao.  But I have to tell you guys that should there be no Chairman Mao, China might have lost much more lives than those disputable figures after 1949. 

Why?  Simply because Chiang betrayed Dr. Sun Yat-sen's doctrine of cooperating with Communists and standing firmly by laborers and peasant.  Furthermore, he also forsook the aim of "down with imperialists, revoke unequal treaties".  Some people may say suppose there were no Chairman Mao and CCP, Chiang and KMT would have somehow built a new China like Mao did as well.  They are wrong.  Chiang and KMT would have most likely succumbed to the pressure from imperialists, say Soviet and US, as the regime had always been doing; thus, China would still be vulnerable to invasion from outside.  Don't argue with me that at least Chiang led China to win the war against Japan; barely he did it at disastrously miserable cost. 

Another reason that Chiang would not succeeded was his compromise with landlords and capitalists, thus China would have continued to be an agricultural state of medieval characters.  No one else would have the courage and will to power in recontructing China from the very bottom except Chairman Mao.  That's what he meant to founding the new China. 

P.S.  I would like to introduce three relevant articles to you at:       



"堪稱世界奇觀的新中國文化普及方式:赛跑誰先寫出規定的字誰先起跑" http://www.guancha.cn/culture/2016_09_09_373900.shtml



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2016/09/11 10:34
Acknowledged with thanks, and accepted with alacrity!

2016/09/11 02:57
攻擊毛澤東時代的人其實是在昧著良心說假話 [節錄文章結論於下]       

  • 毛澤東只爭朝夕,用10年時間,基本完成了歐洲200年文藝復興才完成的全部事業。我們有何顏面去批評“文革”,批評毛澤東?我們真的懂了文革嗎?

  • 1949-1976 的歷史現在越來越清晰了:那是一個建設的、而非破壞的年代;一個理想的、而非庸俗的年代;一個高揚道德的、而非宣揚物欲的年代;一個人民民主自由、揚眉吐 氣的、而非少數人獨裁專制的、人民為奴隸的時代;一個自力更生、敢想敢幹的、而非洋奴哲學的、需要阿Q的年代;一個進取的創造了無數奇跡的、而非平庸的無 所作為的年代。一句話,一個柏拉圖理想中的哲學王的國家成為了現實的年代。

  • 今天,(所謂毛時代的)經 濟崩潰被大家認識到是個彌天大謊、閉關鎖國是無恥的栽贓、迫害知識分子是知識分子小流氓式的自我辯解、文革為浩劫則是哲學無能者的信口雌黃。我們要感謝那 個時代的主人們,但我們也不能忘掉為那個時代付出了青春愛情幸福乃至生命的普通大眾,他們中確有一些無謂的生命犧牲。但這就是歷史,我們要學會悼念亡者和 和自我懺悔,但不能忘卻。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-09-11 10:36 回覆:
Acknowledged with thanks, and accepted with alacrity!