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I must be an old yokel now if I were living in Mainland cities.
2016/09/03 04:40:42瀏覽170|回應0|推薦6

"The world admires Hangzhou in awe and wonder: that's the real internet city" at http://www.guancha.cn/life/2016_09_02_373268_4.shtml introduces you how people in Hangzhou are now living an advanced life within a paperless and cashless society simply through a smart phone on hand.  More surprisingly, many netizens responded and complained that why didn't the article introduce their hometowns which are likewise boasting of same services, just because Hangzhou is now hosting G20?

I don't use smart phone much; but to the best of my knowledge so far, I've never seen or experienced the same services rendered in Taipei or now in Silicon Valley of Bay Area, San Francisco.  Dear islanders, please wake up and open your eyes; don't you ever think the Mainlanders are people who still can't afford "tea marinated eggs".

P.S. Thirty years ago when I was working at L.A., I noticed a lot of customers, especially those in supermarkets, paid by issuing checks.  Decades elapsed, they've only advanced to using plastic money, credit cards.  But during the same period of time, China's Mainland has improved by leaps and bounds in payment system: from small-change cash to money in the "air", basically skipped the stage of credit card.  Go China, you can do whatever ever you are willing to do; it is just a matter of time.   


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