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your good deed for the day, no matter how small it is.
2013/01/30 17:01:30瀏覽124|回應0|推薦2

Once I read a piece of essay from internet, in which the author exhorted  readers to "spend money on the underprivileged, instead of on your mistress", for by doing so it will surely bring you real sense of happiness. Besides those lofty actions like constantly giving money to charity incognito, the author also raised some examples of small things people can do without much ado, such as buying a kind of magnolia flower at intersections when waiting for green light, take a leaflet of advertisement when someone handed it over to you, spend several dollars to buy a scratch-off lottery from old women or the disabled, and so on.

Yesterday when I stopped at an intersection waiting for the green light, an woman of my age hawking magnolia flower was approaching me.  I lower the window and then rushed to take two coins of ten dollor from my pocket to buy a small string of that perfumed flower from her.  Fastened by the safety belt, and stressed by the changing light, I struggled to grab two coins out in a hurry without noticing how much they were.  No sooner had I started to pull away than she yelled, "Sir, you gave sixty.  There you go your forty!"  I took my money back and cast a thankful glance to her, and drove away.  What a honest and admirable lady she is. 

Actually I don't like magnolia flower that much.  It is fragrant alright, but sort of pungent to me.  I bought the flower from that lady was merely because I intended to do a small but charitable deed.  In other words, I did it on purpose, that was I wanted to feel happy.  However, that lady returned the extra money to me was out of a natural reaction, no purpose at all; she just did not want to get anything more than she deserved.  It was really a noble, praiseworthy deed.  You know what?  The less people or countries  are trying to get more than what they deserve, the less tumultuous our world will be. 



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