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Another reason for taking Viagra?
2016/08/01 06:50:29瀏覽265|回應1|推薦6

Now the forthcoming 2016 Rio Olympic Game is nearing.  Just before the game, that hyprocritical IOC banned all Russian athletes of field and truck to participate the tournament for their failing to pass the anti-drug test.  But everybody knows it is the US-influenced commitee who stipulates the items of the banned drugs, and the testing standards thereof.  Therefore, should the athletes not take prohibitive durgs to enhance their performance, they would not be liable to face punishment. 

It is said some US athletes did take Viagra(s) shortly BEFORE the competition they were in as a boost to their performance.  (Did the practice also apply to female athletes?)  But that medicine, which was originally made for curing heart dicease but accidentally found helpful in solving male erection problem, has not been a prohibitive drug by IOC so far.  I just wonder what those athletes will do right AFTER the game.  Perhaps it is of little wonder that condom sales is booming every time during Olympic festivals.              

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2016/08/01 20:56
Viagra是一種研發治療心血管疾病藥物時意外發明出的治療男性勃起功能障礙藥物,not originally for enhancing sexual abilities per se.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-08-01 23:28 回覆:
受教了,已更正. Thanks.