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2017/01/06 13:35:17瀏覽304|回應0|推薦3

I would like to introduce you the subject article at http://www.guancha.cn/SongLuZheng/2016_11_12_380342_2.shtml.

America's most important infrastructures for public transpotation, freeways, were built in 60's when it was the wealthiest nation in the world.  High-speed railways?  U.S. has no money to support such a gigantic expenditure now, and the tycoons of invested interest, e.g. airline business and auto industries won't allow government to give the project a try.  The same reason is applicable to streamlined payment system; the lobbyists for credit card companies will definitely succeed in disrupting the scheme.  (FYI, now I am living at Bay Area, San Francisco where public transpotation like buses and light-rail trains are so inconvenient to ordinary people to ultilize them that they can be deemed as neglected facilities.  So a senior like me have to drive to wherever I go.)

P.S.  Please also refer to following link:



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