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Please dispose of those trash, UDN blog.
2017/05/09 07:21:26瀏覽461|回應1|推薦5

Recently I found UDN blog fruaght with a myriad of advertiments, all of them are nicknamed with three lowercase letters "aab" and followed by a series of ten digits, and their images are all of some coquettes.  There are so many  "articles" of this kind occupying long range of pages that makes me unable to locate my favorable fellow bloggers', which have long been at a predictable place in the charts almost everyday, right now they are hard to be gleaned out of messy trash . 

Those "bloggers" may have rights to advertise their "articles" here in UDN, but I think the blog is so established to serve the purpose of exchanging knowledge, different opinon, and educational information, not for commercial use.  Therefore, I am hereby calling for prompt action against these intruders.  UDN, please do something about this situation. 

Pretty women, please go somewhere else!

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/05/09 09:31

我也注意到,這也反映了一個事實,udn 部落格的前景岌岌可危,因為部落客大量減少,似乎後繼無人。



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-05-10 22:43 回覆:
"打腫臉充胖子?" So pathetic!