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遼東/山東半島之旅(三)----Yantai & Penglai
2016/06/10 10:23:00瀏覽284|回應1|推薦5

When we disembarked from the liner early in the morning, we started the touring on Shandong from here: Yantai, the corner on Shandong Peninsula standing far apart facing LuDa, Liaodong Peninsula on the opposite side, together they are controlling Bohai Bay and Yellow Sea.  Of course, they are controlling Korea and Japan, too. 

Yantai is a big administration unit that comprises of several districts, including that famous Penglai, where the legendary story of eight immortals crossing over the sea had taken place.  There is Chang-yu Brewery, the first wine company in modern China.  Needless to say, everyone of us was entertained with a glass of red wine and a white wine apiece.   Then we visited Mt. Yantai, where there is a memorial hall of Bingxin(冰心), and now I knew Yantai had been the place where she grew up.  FYI, Yantai is also the birthplace of Henry Luce, the founder of TIME magazine. 

There are also many celebrities were from Yantai, for example, 戚繼光, 吳佩孚, 牟宗三, and 孫運璿.  Not interested?  How about 林青霞 and 范冰冰

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Pardon me.
2016/06/10 10:51
I can't figure out what Mt. Yantain is in Chinese.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-06-10 15:55 回覆:
Sorry, typo again. It should have been Mt.Yantai(煙臺山)