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Rubber Band
2015/08/28 17:14:23瀏覽248|回應2|推薦6

Because of presbyopia and astigmation due to aging, I have owned myself three different pairs of glasses: a multi-focus one of muli-purposes mainly for walking and watching TV, one for reading books, and one for surfing on computer.  My wife has similar problems, too.  So looking for missing glasses has become part of our daily lives, and its kind of bored to us.  But thats not the worst thing to deal with our glasses.  The biggest problem is how to make the glasses fix on the bridges of our noses. 

No matter how I ask the glasses dealer (a pretigious one in Taiwan) to adjust the arms of my glasses as to best suit my ears and nose, still they cant always stay on my face, unmoving.  You can imagine how am I harassed by constantly adjusting my glasses while in reading, typing and even walking(especially when walking downstairs).  Now Ive found the solution. 

A friend of mine emailed me a video that showing how people can hack 10 small but noxious problems with rubber bands.  The very first one is to teach you how to fix your glasses on your face when you are wearing them.  To string glasses up with rubber bands?  Nay.  Just use a rubber band and fold it to wrap either arm of your glasses, and that will do it.  O my goodness, it  works!

Try it if you have the same problem.  Again, I dont know how to attach the video here, sorry for that.  (Perhaps you can find it on Youtube by yourself.)  


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Rubber Band and Glasses
2015/08/29 05:41

Is this the one or similar?

There is another option,
    How To Keep Eye Glasses From Slipping Off Your Face  

By the way, I am lucky that I haven't yet needed any glasses in my whole life.  I don't even wear sunglasses.  A friend of mine who knows some 面相 suggested me not to.  😄

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-08-29 10:48 回覆:
The video you posted is not the one I'd watched, but the similiarity between the two is using rubber bands to wrap on the arms of glasses in order to fix them on your face.

Good for you, pal. You are a lucky guy for being free of wearing glassess. I was luck,too,until I reached 50. BTW, this is the first time I've heard that wearing glasses has something to do with physiognomy.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2015/08/28 18:30






Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-08-28 19:03 回覆:
你說的這個橡皮筋怎麼用?我也找機會試試看: Just use a rubber band and fold it to wrap either arm(綁在鏡腳) of your glasses.