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China's Mainland
2015/01/28 01:07:57瀏覽180|回應2|推薦6

The other day I happened to dine out at a Cantonese restaurant where every single TV set on each of four walls is embeded. It was news time then, and the newscast  televised was a program from some Hong Kong TV station.  Of course the restaurant muted the sound out of all TVs, still there were subtitles shown on the screens, and I found there was one particularly attracted my attention away from food. 

The report started introducing two handsome, smart interpretaters on diploamtic occasions for President Xi and his wife Ms. Peng respectively.  And then the report further told the audience how had been the educational backgrounds of those two outstanding interpretaters, the gentleman working for Xi, and the lady for Peng, and how they, along with many others, were cherry-picked by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from where all of the interpretaters took highly-specialized and exacting training, including studying abroad, before they were finally brought into the limelight, just beside the man or woman they were working for. 

What impressed me most was the report emphasized the importance of political alertness for every interpretater.  For example, when it comes to the issue of "One China", he or she must use "China's Mainland", rather than "Mainland China", as the sole appellation addressing China, especially "Taiwan" is also being referred to.  Well, I think that is an absolutely correct usage because if "Mainland China" and "Taiwan" are referred to at same time, the seemingly contrasting status of the two may mislead people to think they are totally different identities from each other.  From now on, I will be more cautious about referring China in my writing, for as long as there is a "China's Mainland", there must be a "China's Taiwan"! 



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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2015/01/29 07:07


至於英文, i prefer 「Mainland China」and 「Taiwan China」或者 「Mainland of China」 and 「Taiwan of China」。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-01-30 04:51 回覆:
Yes, I agreed. We should be careful when Mainland and Taiwan are juxtaposed, lest people in Taiwan or foreigners of other countries should think there are two Chinas or Mainland and Taiwan are differnt "nations".

2015/01/28 09:44

Marvelous,! China's Mainland versus China's Taiwan.  This is more rigorous than "Chinese Mainland versus Chinese Taiwan as one can interpret Chinese as 中國人。

從來就是嚴謹的共產黨對上馬虎的國民黨, 國民黨能不總是吃敗仗?
很不幸的,包括大多受國民黨壞影響的老百姓。 這點上,台灣保有了中華文化的正統和傳統,馬馬虎虎。 哈

This is an excerpt from my very recent article 耶誕的隨想(淺談中譯名):

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-01-28 17:07 回覆:
Indeed. Conscientiousness is the key to success for CCP over KMT. Another merit CCP has had is consistency. See what she did to Japan. No matter during the time of detente or of confrontation, China always insists "Historical Issue" be one of the major topics in any high-level Sino-Japanese talks.