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Housing Problems
2014/12/01 04:07:36瀏覽163|回應0|推薦4

Now I've had a car, as well as a navigation gadget, to take me any possible location in San Franscico area in search of a suitable housing for me to settle down.(Of course, I also need a real estate agent to help me.)

The problem is, housing cost here is way too high for a retired person from Taiwan like me.  According to a report, there are eight towns out of ten with most expensive housing price in whole States come from this area.  Besides, my daughter told me that in some hot locations, potential buyers have to bid the houses which are open to public, absoulutely no rooms for a bargain against the listing prices.  Like I said it earlier, I have to sell my aprtment in Taipei quick in exchange for a relatively decent housing in this area, no contingent condition possible at all for a trade.  Oh my goodness, it's a pretty tough task for me.

Viewing from the aspects of space, comfort, and other living conditions, the unit price of the housing here is much cheaper than that of Taipei.  More importantly, most people living here, especially those working for high-tech companies in Silicon Valley, are intellectual elite with high income.  An average $300-400 thousand of total annual family income for homes are not uncommon to find here, so those families could afford a house or an unit of condo of $1 million within several years.  But in an endemic low-income area like Taipei, you can easily compute how many years for a family with relatively high income, say TWD2 million annually, to afford a TWD30 M aprtment(roughly equivalent to $1M).  Therefore, economy is still the main problem, stupid.

The fiasco for KMT this time may be attributed to Ma administration's inepitude in tackling those problems of social inequilities, and the young voters with grudges thus gave full vent to their dissatifaction.  But I have to tell you guys, definitely DPP won't fare better than KMT, either; simply because there is nobody in Taiwan dares to grapple with those ills, for example unfair property tax(in States, the property tax imposed on real estate is much more reasonalbe than that in Taiwan).  To tell you the truth, you just can't find a genuine votary to Dr.Sun Yat-shen's doctrine of "For The People" in Taiwan, but you can otherwise find many in Mainland China. 


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