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An US rocket exploded shortly after launch
2014/10/30 00:16:24瀏覽95|回應0|推薦4

NASA has confirmed an US rocket which carrying a unmanned space ship exploded six seconds after launch today, a news report said.  Report also said due to slowdown in space schemes and lack of money, NASA had long transferred the work to contract manufacturers of private sector, so it was a technology company who carried out the plan.

I am not a tech or science guy, but I do know the science experiments are  processes of trial and error, so a single failure is not a big deal.  It's not necessary gloating over US' setback in space this time either, but when contrasting the failure with the success of recent China's Chang'e Five, at least we may say China has emulated US' capability in space, and in other fields.  US is not invincible any more, and unable being the prop that Taiwan is in need of for pursuing Taidu or Dutai. 

As expected, Taiwan's media didn't deliver any message concerning the explosion.  I also remember the media hadn't reported the snafus of Japan's satellite plan until it finally succeeded not long ago.  Okay, to conceal the successes of Mainland China and the faliures of US and Japan would not help Taiwan much except giving it a little morbid satisfaction.   

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