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Why I won't watch Taiwan pro baseball
2014/10/26 02:35:19瀏覽105|回應0|推薦4

Now World Series is on the way, fervently.  Yesterday, San Francisco Giants lost again and now is trailing Kansas City Royals 1-2.(I feel disappointing at that.)  Almost in the same time, Taiwan Series was on and just finished yesterday or a day earlier; I am not sure.  The World Series is telecast live in the mornings, while Taiwan series plays at nights, but I haven't wasted a single minute on "our national ball" which is of the standard between 1A and 2A, "competing" among  four clubs only, let alone those fake games that occurred once for a while.  But that's not the main reason that I don't watch Taiwan baseball. 

Forty years ago when Taiwan was crazy about the success of our kids in Little league and later Junior League, I was infatuated with the game myself, too.  But a friend of mine reminded me of the games had been purely Japanese.  I wondered and asked him that isn't baseball an American sport, why Japanese?  He didn't answer me.  Later on, I realized Taiwan's baseball is just the relics of Japanese culture left behind in the island, like all other Japanese dregs.  Since then I've lost my passion on the so-call games of "national ball" because I know the game is nothing but the reflection of  nostalgic memories on Japanese colonizers, and the collective sentiment culminates on that stupid movie "Cano". 

Economically, Taiwan players are paid pittance when compared with their MLB counterparts.  That signifies that Taiwan's market is too small to support adequate teams of higher class to attract willing-to-pay fans.  Therefore, all the unprofitable clubs and the low-paid athletes can render to the "小確幸" fans are low-class plays and endless fake games. 

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