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"如果沒有這個女子,白居易寫不出經典的長恨歌!" (轉載)
2024/04/17 06:41:28瀏覽320|回應0|推薦9

Attached below is the sentimental story between Mr. Bai Juyi and his first love, maybe the only love, Xiangling(湘靈) 

如果沒有這個女子,白居易寫不出經典的長恨歌! - 每日頭條 (kknews.cc)   

PS: I have translated his two of many poems written for Xiangling in my previous writings, as attached below:

試譯 白居易 鄰女 - kkuo0810的部落格 - udn部落格

試譯 白居易 夜雨 - kkuo0810的部落格 - udn部落格

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