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2024/04/14 06:06:07瀏覽293|回應0|推薦8

The day before yesterday was the 97th anniversary of that notorious "412 incident" of modern China history. The Chiang regime, combined with landlords, local and foreign capitalists, and "conventional" intellectuals, strangled the Great Revolution in its incipient stage. The incident betrayed the will of Dr. Sun Yat-Shen: helps peasants and workers, eliminates the local tycoons and landlords by curbing private capital while bolstering the national capital, downs imperialism, and so on. Numerous Nationalists leftwing and Communists were brutally slaughtered during the "incident", which the Nationalists had tried hard to conceal the real story.

The "incident" testifies to the truth: anything that goes against the trend of history is doomed to failure at last, and the Nationalists(KMT) finally lost everything in the Mainland.  

历史的血痕:“四一二大屠杀”!_风闻 (guancha.cn)

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